Tuesday, June 14, 2011

But Then They Came For Me...

Shock-Shlock Tracy Morgan
I am going to make that quick (TWS wished) because we have a funeral to go to this morning which continues into the afternoon (like two separate funerals). Aunt Louise taught Latin and English Literature; I bet she would have liked my blog.

Last night we went to The House Cafe' for Open Mic Night. I always have a good time there and this time Cha Cha came with me. Our friend Beth met us there too. There were some very entertaining acts. Lots of songs, some poets, hula-hoopers... The poets made me think of the film So I Married An Axe Murderer. If you have never seen this movie I highly recommend it.

As long as we're on former Saturday Night Live cast members (Mike Myers) what's up with Tracy Morgan? I have never been a Tracy Morgan fan; he's not funny to me. He does some characters here and there that are funny but I kind of think of him like the Howard Stern of comedy; similar to Gilbert Gottfried (who I do like because he is shocking AND funny). Morgan just says shocking stuff that isn't funny. Anyway, I guess he went on a homophobic and sexist rant while performing his stand-up act in Nashville. My thought on going to see stand-up, anybody's stand-up, is that if you are easily offended by anything don't go. People seem to find these kind of attacks on people funny until they are in the comic's cross-hairs. I don't think the comments that Morgan made were funny but you have to take it for what it's is worth - it was a guy who was probably dying on stage, becasue he's not funny, trying to shock the audience into laughter. He's irreverent. It's like people getting upset at Ricky Gervais for making fun of celebrities at The Golden Globes. We are such a hyper-sensitive culture now - this whole country is about fear now. I am never offended when people make fun of incredibly smart, extraordinarily good-looking, multi-talented, youthful, people. Sure, I get upset when people say offensive things and maybe I am wrong for not getting crazy-mad and speaking out because with people getting upset it may keep the rest of us in check so things don't get worse..I don't know. I just blog it or podcast it and let it go - at least that's what I try t do.

Yesterday I blogged about Mark Cuban and how he is so forward-thinking in sports. Now he is saying that he does not plan to buy the Dallas Mavericks NBA Championship Rings. he is going to do something else because it's time to take it "to the next level." What is the next level after those rings worth close to $20,000 each? Cars? WWF-like championship belts? "The next level" would mean more-valuable probably right? Houses? I am sure it will be good!
That's exactly how I remember high school

Yesterday I received my invitation to my high school reunion - thank you Judi, Terri and Kim! I went to high school in the same town where a  B-17 Flying Fortress crashed yesterday. Is that significant in anyway? I wonder if it's the same one that I was in at DeKalb Cornfest last year? Nobody got hurt which is a miracle. I will discover the significance and let you know what it is when it comes to me - maybe I'll have Tracy Morgan help me with that.

While we're on bad behavior Charlie Sheen is in talks of starring in a new sitcom in January. while I was typing that I tried to think..."what was it that Charlie Sheen did so bad again?" I honestly cannot remember why we don't like Charlie Sheen. I think we just remember that we don't like someone because we're not supposed to and then we forget why. I think that's okay because I may be forgiving (the act) but why am I not forgiving the guy? Hmmmmmm... (things that make me say that).

One last celebrity announcement that I would like to make.... Mr. Peanut has hired a stunt double and his name is Peanut Butter Doug. More information is forthcoming but I wanted you to be among the first to know. Why does Doug have a first name and the almond dude get a first name (Alejandro) but Mr. peanut is still just Mr. Peanut? He thinks he's so much better than us common nuts!

Alright, I am way behind my self-imposed schedule so I have to skedaddle. Have a fabulous day and stay out of Tracy Morgan / Charlie Sheen kinda trouble (whatever that was again). Thank you for moseying on by...I always like to talk to you. TTTT...MITM (mourning out)

I am going to end this with a favorite historical quote of mine by Martin Niemölle: 

First they came for the Jews
and I didn't speak out for I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for the trade unionists

and I didn't speak out for I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the
and I didn't speak out for I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for me

but there was no one left to speak out for me

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