Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Ghost In Louise

PFC on Dirty Laundry Podcast next week
Post script (ironic it's at the beginning huh?) Let me know if anything eerie happens while you read today's blog....I am convinced that it will! So, it's actually a pre-script that I wrote post-blog.

I have been surrounding myself with good ju ju and good people and good energy lately. It hasn't been by design but it has worked out that way and I am getting good things back because of it I think. In addition to the positive people I have been with and the joyful places I have been in (at The House Cafe and with family and friends including Dr. Kevin Donka) the last couple of days I think sending Cha Cha's Aunt Louise off to her final resting place brought good energy my way; I think she and her life have inspired me too.

I believe in coincidence but I think coincidence is someone else's destiny or karma or energy overlapping or bumping into mine. I base that on nothing other than my own feelings but I think I am very intuitive and open to just about everything. I just thought of that definition now as it flowed through my fingers but even though this is the first time I have ever put it into words I think that I have felt that way forever. I do not think that it is coincidence that as I type this as I hear thunder off in the distance and it is beginning to rain. I do not think that it is coincidence that Bob Marley's One Love (the Playing For Change version) is being played by Roz right now. I don't think it's a coincidence that I received a response from Raan Williams from Playing for Change the morning after Louise's ashes were put into the ground telling me that we can play their music on our podcast now. Maybe I need to come up with a new word for coincidence? Fate? Kajunkles? Destiny? I know there are many words to describe it but I need my own word for what I am experiencing right now. Maybe it is lack of sleep but I like the feeling whatever it is; I may never sleep again. I have some big thoughts in my head right now (thunder clap - cool) - I will fill you in soon enough.

The funeral yesterday was very nice. We had a service here in DeKalb at the nursing home where Louise died and had lived for several years. Everybody there knew Louise as she had helped in the mail room and was one of the most spry of all the residents for so many years. She was always willing to help anyone at any time. So, after she had her send off with her friends at Oak Crest, we headed to Naperville where her ashes will remain until the rest of us join her though I doubt that I will ever be worthy of going wherever she will go now; there's a special place for people like Louise Rich. Cha Cha even got up and spoke at the funeral; she doesn't like speaking live in front of people even though she is now a huge podcasting star but she did it for her love of Louise. I cried (that's what the wet eyes thing is right?) as Cha Cha and her cousin Anita spoke. Have a nice journey Louise and thanks for what you were and still are - and thank you for the new inspiration at 1:30 this morning that has left me awake since. Huge thunder clap (I am not kidding) - coincidence?
Louise Rich - apparently my new muse

The way I woke up this morning was that I received a call at 1:30AM on my cell phone. I went to answer it and it said "unavailable" as the phone number. It rang only once and stopped ringing before I tried to answer it. I looked at the call log and there was no sign of a call coming in. I got up and wandered the house to make sure everybody was present and accounted for because that's what good parents and mates and dogs and friends do - guard you vigilantly while you sleep. The last calls listed were people that I had spoken to. (thunder again - seriously?) Then, while I was looking at the phone log, a branch on the tree outside of our bedroom scraped the window and it sounded like a whisper of "MATT!" Alright, I just gave myself goosebumps (thunder - alright...I am believing already) OMG the loudest thunder ever right now...I am officially totally creeped-out. It sounded like it was right over our house - SERIOUSLY! I just went to see if anybody else was awake and nobody is...there's no way they could have slept through that. Another really, really loud one (not quite as loud at the shotgun blast a minute ago). I am typing faster and faster and getting more and more goosebumps. I know I embellish here sometimes for humor-sake but not this time...I pinkie swear! Now the wind of the open door just slammed the office door shut. I may never sleep again. And now Roz is playing The Ghost In You by The Psychedelic Furs. Seriously Louise? I think I may have a new practical joke-playing Guardian Angel! I couldn't think of a better one to have. (another thunder....not any one of these thunders were added/embellished - I swear on my life and on both of my pinkies). If I don't accept that right now I may go mad so that's what is happening and that's my new life - very cool!

Now I heard what sounded like a voice in the hallway but went out into the dark hallway and said "hello" and did not get an answer back - thank goodness because I would have shat myself been surprised. I think it may have been the wind through the office window going under the door but I think our house may be haunted by Louise now. I am going to convince myself it was the wind. Good thing we have Ghost Hunter Willie Adkins coming in three weeks to be on the podcast - this is not a build-up stunt...this all really just happened as I typed this. This isn't the blog I intended to write when I started writing this early morning. This became a blog written by Louise from beyond. Louise In The MIDDLE today. She was a better writer than I am so I appreciate the upgrade for today at least.

Now I will send you off with the song Louise and Roz decided to play right now as I am winding down. Just about as good as The Ghost In You. An i-pod on "shuffle" for Roz and Louise apparently means "creep out Matt". I am not amused... okay, I am very amused and flattered that she would visit me. Thank you ladies; I love you both. (lightning and thunder right on cue - big long thunder and goosebumps). I wish I had been recording this because nobody is gonna believe it's true but I swear on my life that all of the thunders and noises and musical timing were real and happened exactly when I typed them. Thank you for stopping by and I hope Louise touched you this morning too because that apparently was her intention. TTTT...MITM (The Ghost and Mr. Chickened out - OMG The Old Simmons Place?)

Send 'em off Louise and Roz!  
 I just re-read this for typos and another huge thunder clap, a sound in the hallway with nobody there and more goosebumps.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job Matt. Not sure if you'll see this or not but thanks for your thoughts about Louise. She really was one of those people you run across in life that not only makes a person think, but even changes how you think about life.

