Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Middle Politics, Weather and Gambling

Tuesday...yes, Tuesday. Sorry I didn't blog Sunday or yesterday but we recorded the Dirty Laundry Podcast Sunday and then yesterday morning I edited it so I could get it up a day early (TWSS). I hope you did or will get a chance to listen at that link or on iTunes (Dirty Laundry Podcast).

My great friend, the distinguished gentleman from Wisconsin, John, posted on his Facebook page this morning something that's going on in my state that I didn't even know about. The Illinois Senate passed a bill (HB 2860) which allows motorcycles to basically run red lights. If  bikers wait at a red light for "a reasonable amount of time" they can run the red light as though it were a stop sign as long as there is no other traffic that should normally have the right-of-way. I realize this is because the motorcycles don't weigh as much as cars and sometimes don't register that there is anybody waiting at the light. Actually, it always drives me (no pun intended) crazy when drivers don't realize there's censors in the road and they pull up too far and never get a green light. Can you imagine peoples' faces when a motorcycle runs a red light? I believe this will lead to motor vehicle anarchy. I may get a motorcycle (not just ride Splenda's little 60cc pink scooter). For the record I think this law is stupid and will result in many more motorcycle injuries. Filbert was right...The Rapture has begun.

Yesterday we actually got a touch of Spring/Summer in the MIDDLEwest; it was a warm day. Cha Cha and Fabio and I went to MADYM and MysterYM's house; we had a great time. This morning is good so far too so I mowed the lawn already because the rain is supposed to return, of course. 
Enjoy it while it lasts.

Another thing going on in Illinois, specifically in Chicago, is that casinos seem to be coming to the city and slot machines may be coming to the airports. Chicago may soon be the Las Vegas of the MIDDLEwest. Other Illinois areas that are looking for casinos are: Rockford, Lake County and Danville. I love gambling. I love Las Vegas. But I'm happy that it isn't really easy for me to gamble. Gambling being a little inconvenient is very convenient I have found. I can control my urges to gamble as long as you don't count: the state lottery, home poker games, fantasy football, fantasy golf, fantasy baseball, running red lights with my motorcycle, thirteen run pools... I bet there are some people that don't have the will-power I have. I truly hope that people who are desparate by the current climate of the economy don't make matters worse. I will lay you 5:2 that the news will soon be littered with stories of people losing everything at casinos. Just like everything, I see both sides of the issue (I am such a MIDDLE-of-the roader). The next issue will be smoking not being allowed in these new casinos - 10:1 odds on that one.

This just in....Snooki is a moron- even in Italy.

Sarah Palin is travelling around the country trying to see if it's in her best interest to run for President. I really hope she runs; she's uber-entertaining. I suppose people run for President even when they know they don't have a chance for the tax breaks and all of the freebees that come with running for office. I am pretty sure she will wanna be on the podcast.

The dryer just stopped so I gotta get another load in there because while I was not blogging the last couple of days I was also not doing laundry (except Dirty Laundry). Have a nice Tuesday and Tuesnight. TTTT...MITM (out)

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