Thursday, May 12, 2011

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Travel day two. The part of travelling alone that I always loved was being able to do what I wanted to do without the fear that I am inconveniencing someone else. This trip is a little different in that now I have to wait for the next and final leg of this part of the trip. I am a morning person and like to get up and get going so I am happy I have you to blog to; thank you. If anyone has been trying to get ahold of me by phone I am not able to get a signal this morning...that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.
I fueled up the 4Runner yesterday when I got here and I was very excited to pay only $3.99/gallon. Then I started to think, "those jerks have talked about possibly $5 and $6 a gallon so now I am excited about $3.99 per gallon." If I didn't have all of the stuff to bring back with me it would have been much cheaper to take the train me thinks. I would, at the very least, have brought the HHR. I recently heard that gas prices are supposed to drop by 50 or 60 cents within the next month. Wow, it will only be $3.50 per gallon? They have totally horn-swaggled us. Our thinking has become askew.

I am right in the MIDDLE of the area where the Mississippi River is flowing backwards right now. I heard that 17 of the 19 casinos on The Missippi have been forced to close and the river is washing away thousands of acres of farm land. Arkansas, from what I heard on the radio, provides America with a very large percentage of our rice in this country. Most of those fields are in fear of washing away. The Earth is telling us to get our acts together quickly. We need to harnass the wind and the water and the sun to begin conserving our natural resources. We always say "send us a sign" - how many signs do we need to be sent before we believe they are signs?  I am still doing my small part to reduce, reuse, recycle where I can. In the words of Ben Franklin. "a small leak can sink a mighty ship" or something along those lines. I also feel that a several small repairs can save a repair a mighty ship before it sinks. Our ship is taking on water faster and faster and we need all hands on deck to do their part before we go the way of the Titanic.

Last night I missed one of Fabio's games. He called me at 10:00 last night while I still had a signal. I told him to call me after the game. It sounds like they rebounded after their last terrible outing. Fabio was the starting pitcher and got the win as they won 14-5. Fabio had a bases-loaded double that scored three runs so he was pretty happy. I'm glad they could build and learn from the whippin' they took last week.

Travelling gives me too much time to think. Ben Franklin was a traveller wasn't he? Idle minds are the blog's wokshop.
Yesterday I wrote about how I thought Troy Grove should become a commercial tribute to Wild Bill Hickock. My first thought this morning was about me blogging that yesterday. I think Troy Grove should just stay Troy Grove. We need to learn from little bitty Troy Grove, Illinois and stop the greed. How can we agree on things as a nation when I can't even agree with myself on these issues?

Thanks for stoppin' in again. I have got to get in the shower 'cause that old highway's a callin' right after a couple of hours of loading up the covered wagon. Have a nice Thursday. I will be able to blog tomorrow but Saturday I have to work somewhere between 12 - 20 hours and then Fabio has a game Saturday night. So I doubt that I will be able to blog Saturday. TTTT...MITM (soon to be out of the MIDDLEsouth).

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