Saturday, May 7, 2011

If You're Closed-Minded STOP READING NOW!!!

hit it Roz!!!
Well, I guess I will blog this weekend after all. When you can't sleep and you just lie there thinking (stupid brain) you might as well blog - that's what I always say. Actually, I never say that and that's the first time I thought it but I'm gonna say it occasionally now! Today's the saddest day of most vacations for Cha Cha and the other Angels. It's the day that they come back home. Sometimes it's okay to come home from vacation but leaving San Francisco to come home to Illinois when it still feels like a mild winter here doesn't make it that much fun.
Happy children should be our #1 goal
     I didn't even bring my notebook into the office / Dirty Laundry Studio this morning because it wasn't originally my intention to blog so you get whatever comes to my limp noodle of a brain this morning.

Tomorrow's Mother's Day. A happy day to all of you mothers and you bad mothas (shut cho mouth) too. Even if you're not a mother or your mother is gone or you don't speak to your mother that's no reason not so celebrate and have a mimosa or two. Celebrate Mother Earth or the memory of Mother Teresa of Calcutta or Mother Nature or salute that mother who cuts you off in traffic or Mother England... Always use any opportunity to celebrate; what else have we got really?

Atlantic City has it's very first gay club inside a casino. The Prohibition Club is now open at Resorts Casino Hotel. As long as it's not discriminating against the not-so-happy I think that's awesome. I am sure there will be old people walking down the boardwalk and they will stop in there for a drink because they think it's a 1930's-themed bar and they will not realize it's a gay club and they will have stories for the rest of their lives...those are great memories. Cha Cha always tells the story of her grandmother (Mother's Day throw-back - good huh?) walking into The Paperback Grotto when Cha Cha was a kid. She was going in to look for a romance novel or a how-to book and found a little more romance and know-how than she was willing to read. The Paperback Grotto is our adult bookstore in town here. Do they even have books in there?

I am going to get political and religious and very opinionated now so faint-of-heart and closed-minded please turn away now. In the state that I live in but am getting tired of for so many reasons (mostly weather-related), Illinois, one of the largest adoption agencies, Catholic Charities, is threatening to turn away couples, against Illinois law, that would become loving parents to children without homes. This group has over 3,000 children in its foster care program yet, when civil unions between same-sex partners officially become legal in Illinois June 1st, they are refusing to place these children in need of a home with these couples. Is Illinois going to stop funding this group the $30,000,000 ($30 Million) a year they give them for providing this foster program? In a press release Executive Director of The Civil Rights Agenda, Anthony Martinez, wrote, “If an organization receives state funding they must serve all residents of that state equally... I don’t want my tax dollars to fund discrimination in any form, and that is exactly what the Catholic Charities are asking for: the right to discriminate.” Religion is supposed to teach love and caring and compassion as I see it. I feel that people who are opposed to civil unions have sex on the mind. Marriage (civil unions) are not about sex. Just like heterosexual marriages, I imagine, that part of the union slows down considerably after you become unionized. Sorry, I don't mean to make light of this but that's my nature. I think that any two people who can provide for a child and give a nurturing, loving home to make a better life for that child should be given that opportunity and privilege. Hasn't Modern Family taught us anything?  I bet Jesus would not have turned anyone away who needed help...especially a child. It wasn't that long ago in this country when people who were Catholic were discriminated against in America because some people didn't agree with their views.
Once again television must teach us love and caring

Well, my soap box is empty. I hope even if you disagree with me you will still return because I know you are intelligent enough to know that we all have different opinions and views and that's why our people came to America. I think that's one of our great strengths as a nation. For not going to blog this weekend I surely did blog with some gusto today. I guess I should have gone and gotten my notebook. Have a great Mother's Day to all of you moms whether you are: a "traditional" mom, a civil-union "mom", a grandmother who has become a mom again for whatever reason, the mom of a dog or a bird or a fish, a single-father who is both mom and dad now, a single mom just making end's meet, a step-mom, a foster mom... Mother's are one of the best inventions of all time.
hit it again (but a little differently)Roz

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