Thursday, May 19, 2011

The New and Improved Matt In The Middle

I am gonna start blogging but Cha Cha and I are going to go over and see Cha Cha's aunt as soon as Cha Cha's brother gets here so this may either end abruptly or I may finish it later. We got a call that Cha Cha's aunt has started the dieing process and they give her between eight and 48 hours. She just turned 94 and she hasn't been doing well for a while now. It doesn't come as much of a surprise but it's never easy to lose loved-ones. I have always admired Cha Cha's Aunt Louise. She was a college graduate (quite a feat back in her day for a woman to even go to college) and she became a teacher. She traveled the world. She was sort of the female version of Mark Twain as far as I am concerned and you know of my affinity for Sam Clemens. She kept in touch with many, many of her former students all of her life which also says a lot about her character. She is a great lady and she will be dearly missed.
Charlie Sheen and his son

I am sure that you heard Ashton Kutcher stole my gig on Two and a Half Men. I am okay with that I suppose. Demi Moore picked him over me so it makes sense. At least Bruce Willis wasn't called my father at The Golden Globe Awards. Wait, that would be a good thing for me though wouldn't it be?

I am hearing about products being "new and improved" again lately. It seems that there is a rash of "new and improved" cycles every now and then. It makes me wonder how come they were selling us junk before. Are these products really new and improved or are they just saying that to garner more attention and give them a reason to advertise again? I think I will wait awhile and we will "new and improve" the Dirty laundry Podcast. We could be better right now if we wanted to be but we will wait so we can have a reason to get more attention later. We will do the really good stuff when we feel like it's time to become "new and improved." We really are improving because we started not knowing what we were doing but I don't like to think that I was driving a car that was built by people who didn't know what they were doing. Or that I am eating food that people who didn't know what they were doing were responsible for gathering for me. "New and improved" worries me actually.

Tofu tastes like Styrofoam if you eat it all by itself. Yes, I know how Styrofoam tastes.

The Chicago Bulls fell to the Miami Heat last night. Thanks a lot for hexing The United Center Oprah! The first game between the Heat and The Bulls the other night was the most-watched NBA game in the history of cable television. 11.1 million people watched the game. That's a lot of people. 
Cha Cha's Aunt Louise, Aunt Phyllis and Grandma Mullins

I know you didn't miss me because it doesn't seem like I was gone but I just took a 2 hour and 45 minute break while writing this blog. We went over and saw Aunt Louise. I think she knew we were there. We sat at the foot of her bed and we talked about old times we had with her and we talked about her sisters (Cha Cha's grandma and other aunt) and we talked about life and death... Every now and then Louise would stir. When we went to leave we said good bye and Cha Cha went up and held her hand and Louise closed her hand. Then when Cha Cha let go Louise wiggled her fingers and opened her eyes a little like she was waving goodbye the only way she could now. It was nice and it was sad all at the same time.

That's about it for me today...I am emotionally spent. I am going to go outside now and trim a tree that seems to be dying toward the top, ironically. There are some leaves toward the bottom so I am going to saw the branches just above where the leaves are so the tree can focus on the part that is still fighting to live. We have done this procedure several times on Mattgarita Island and it has made the vegetation on the island flourish. I will think of Louise while I save this tree's life. Thanks for stopping in again. I will keep you updated on Aunt Louise because now she has touched you too because of this blog. TTTT...MITM (Johnny Appleseeding out)

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