Monday, May 16, 2011

Interloping Dead Presidents

cue some music Roz
Use your cap wisely
This is a Monday that feels like a Monday. I hope I remember how to blog because it's been a couple of days. I worked four graduations within a 26 hour period and saw an old friend (Steve) from my yute at work. I slept pretty well last night. After I got off of work on Saturnight I got to go to the next town over and see the second half of Fabio's game. It was great after working for 14 hours to stand in the 48 degree rain and watch baseball. What the Helser is going on with this weather? I am gonna get the boat out of storage soon but am fearful that it may be a waste of time living in the frigid MIDDLEwest.

I think there may be some deception in the liquid detergent industry. The cap has three lines on the inside that we are supposed to decide where to fill the detergent to depending on the size of our load (TWSS). But then the cap has quite a bit of room above the highest load line. Do you think that they hope that we will use more detergent than we need to use so we have to buy detergent sooner than we should have to? I guess that wouldn't be deception, rather trickery or sneakery. They hope that when people get to my accelerated age that we cannot see those little lines or that tiny writing to let us know what we should be doing so I thought I had better blog that to my other MIDDLE-aged friends.

I have a new hobby that I am very proud of - - interloping. I think I am really getting good at it and I hope to make it a career soon. I don't even need a ladder to interlope most of the time. The Interloper might be a good super hero (patent/trademark/copyright). His/her side kick could be The Agitator.
I wish they were photos of dead Presidents!

Cha Cha has been looking for a particular photo and cannot find it. It's like looking for a photo of a needle in a house filled with photos of many, many kinds of needles in different haystacks. So, I have been trying to help her find this photo and have been looking at photos of: when we were younger and when we took the kids on cool vacations and photos of people I don't have any idea who they are and photos of our old house... and it makes me start to wander in the mind. I guess that's what photos' main purpose is so, well done photos you're doing your jobs swimmingly. I can look at the same photo and in one instant I remember all of the great times surrounding that photo and in the next instant become depressed that if we had done this or had done that things would be better now. But then I think if we had done this or if we had done that things could have been worse because we wouldn't have met so-and-so and we would have probably done what-and-what... I am way too nostalgic I think but that may also be one of my greatest strengths. ??????? I wish we would have stayed in our old house sometimes because it was paid off but then I wonder if the kids would have met different people and their lives would be worse or better or the same? I guess that's why I like to write because when I write I can make anything true or any way I want them to be if even just for a short time. Maybe I podcast and blog to escape? No, because I podcast and blog about my life so I guess if I were trying to escape I'm not too bright (no editorial comment needed from you here but thanks for the offer). 

I just got done mowing the lawn and I did it in shorts because that's my privilege as an American. At first I thought it may have been a bad choice but I soon got used to the chilly wind and if I am gonna live in this MIDDLEwest tundra I'd better get my Spring/Summer hide seasoned so I can handle the sub-zero Summer weather. I am doing laundry now because while I have been AWOL since last Tuesday it really piled up. Now I am going to edit the podcast that Cha Cha and I recorded yesterday so I can have it on iTunes tomorrow...I will let you know when it's up (TWHS). Fabio has a game at 8 tonight in DeKalb if you're bored and feel like hanging with an interloper. Thanks for stopping by again today - I missed you. TTTT...MITM (out)

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