Monday, May 9, 2011

Spread the Girth Around the Earth!!!!

Ba Da Ba Da Da Da 'em Roz
Howzit? I hope you have had a good day so far. The day kinda got away from me in a hurry today but I thought about you and blogging you the whole time (TWHS). while I was driving over to take my mom her Mother's Days presents and take her to lunch I was thinking about the days of the week. I don't have to list them because I know you know them by heart. I was thinking to myself, "self, why do we call Monday night Monday night? Why do we call Tuesday night Tuesday night...?" Since we have become a society that cannot wait for anything (photos to be developed, things to download, to wait to get home to call someone, to stop driving until we text someone...) I have discovered a way to speed up talking the nights of the week. From now on I want to call the nights of the week: Monnight, Tuesnight, Wedsnight, Thursnight, Frinight, Saturnight and Sunnight. I know I will forget so remind me when I do it wrong. Sunnight seems weird but so does Moonday I suppose.

Thank you to everyone who read Saturday's blog even if you didn't read it until Satnight. I happened to wake up early Saturday morning and decided to blog and it was one of my most-read blogs to date. I guess I touched on a topic that people were passionate about. Maybe I need to discuss issues more because people started passing the blog on (Kevin and Pam come to mind). Thank you for all of the feedback; I may have gotten more "followers" because of a blog that almost never was. That's kind of the way life and a box of chocolates are in general. Now I have added pressure to be philosophical and introspective.  Nah...I'll just keep blogging what I blog and I will occasionally find a nut once in awhile.
Fatten 'em up mini colonels (上校) !

Are there too many drivers now or are there just a lot more bad ones? I have noticed an increased number of people doing U-turns in the MIDDLES of intersections and more and more people driving the wrong way in parking lots.Is it because we have become a culture of people who are gonna do whatever we want to do whenever we want to do it? I'm not bloggin' I'm just bloggin'.

While I was cleaning up the kitchen this weekend I had The Kentucky Derby on the television. A Kentucky Fried Chicken commercial came on. I thought how funny it was that there was a KENTUCKY Fried Chicken commercial on during The KENTUCKY Derby. I normally don't pay much attention to commercials but these geniuses of commercial-placement got my attention (drat). Anyway, the commercial began asking what the most popular chicken in China was. Was it Lo Mein Chicken, was it Sweet and Sour Chicken, was it McDonald's it was KFC. They then mentioned how they are bigger than McDonald's in China (they may have just been talking about chicken sales, I don't know). Then I thought...McDonald's and KFC are helping bring back some of the labor we are losing to China, eventually. It may take awhile but America seems to be on a health-kick (great) so these companies are getting their sales from where all of our labor has one. Give them about ten years or so and the Chinese people will be fat and lazy and we will all be thin and healthy. It's The Circle of Obesity! These companies aren't greedy - they're real American heroes! Spread the girth around the Earth dudes!!! (patent/trademark/copyright).

Thanks for stopping by. I should have the new podcast up tomorrow. If you haven't heard our podcast give it a listen - Dirty Laundry Podcast on iTunes or click the Dirty Laundry Podcast tab in the top right margin of this blog. The podcast is better than the blog because it includes Cha Cha. I will let you know when LOAD SE7EN is ready. Have a nice Monnight (I remembered) and I'll blog you again tomorrow. TTTT...MITM (out to get thin so I can help take our economy back).

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