Thursday, May 26, 2011

Always Look on the Bright Side of Life!

"Some things in life are bad..."
cue the music Roz  (this is one of my favorite songs on Roz's playlist)

I came in earlier than usual to blog today so I can get off early. Actually, this is my therapy and I just fell like blogging. I am fighting the urge to use the Lucy Van Pelt "therapist is in" graphic that I often use...let's see how I do with that.

I hope this doesn't sound crass and the loss of even one life is terrible but I was surprised that only 125 people have been found dead in Joplin, Missouri thus far. I know for 125 families that is all that really matters but in a town of around 50,000 people that is 75% destroyed that seems like a great testament to the early warning systems that we have in place now. If my calculations are correct, and they rarely are, if 75% of the people were gone like 75% of the city there would have been 37,500 people dead. I always try to find the bright side of everything; even disasters. It's easier to do when you're not one of the ones directly affected. For the families of the 125 people that have been found dead so far I am sure it is impossible to find any bright side right now.

I had been fighting off a cold for the last week and, thankfully, I never really got sick. During that time I didn't work-out. I worked out again last night and my advise to you is...DON'T STOP WORKING OUT NO mattER WHAT! I know I have said it before but when you start again that first work-out is a doozy. Then I rode my bike to the store for a little extra punishment...what as dumb douche I am. I took my backpack though to help keep the planet as happy as she can be. No reason to poke an angry bear!

This morning I had to go out in the backyard and break up a fight between a couple of robins. I watched for a while hoping they would stop on their own but it kept going with the bigger one tormenting the smaller one. I am one of those weirdos that tends to put human traits on inanimate objects and other species of animals. I had in my head that it was a father robin disciplining his son or a dad chasing a boy robin he found in his daughter's bedroom early this morning. Then I thought maybe it was like a prison rape scene. No matter what it was I decided enough was enough and I went outside and they flew away in their separate directions. I am sure now the little one that I saved will just go and poop on my windshield but at least he lived another day to poop on another windshield; what other pleasures do birds have in life really?

Make sure you listen to next week's Dirty Laundry Podcast. It hasn't even been recorded yet but we got some hate mail this week - four pieces of hate mail actually. I may be looking to employ a security team soon - an A-Team of sorts. I already know who is gonna be the B.A. of the team but if you're interested send me your resume. There's a certain law enforcement official in the MIDDLEwest that I have my eye on to head-up our task force. If you don't totally hate our podcast this would be a great week to send us some non-hate mail so I can have some non-hate mail to read on the show too. It doesn't have to be "fan mail from some flounder" it could just be something positive like "at least the music of Eric Solfisburg is good" mail. In the words of Bartles and Jaymes "thank you for your support."
Thank you for your support

Last night Fabio's baseball game got rained out so I had the rare opportunity of watching a couple of television shows before 1:00 AM on the DVR. I have liked The Middle and Modern Family both since they debuted. I don't know what it is but I am getting a little bored with Modern Family. I am guessing that I am not alone because I have noticed that Sofia Vergara is showing off her natural assets a lot more than she has in past seasons probably to perk up sagging ratings (yes, those were intended). I think maybe the characters are becoming too predictable. I won't stop watching but if I miss it I don't think I will be too disappointed. The Middle, however, is getting better in my humble opinion. I think their characters are much more relate-able to us MIDDLES (makes sense I suppose). Neither matters now since the seasons have ended. I'll let you know if things change in September.

I blogged on long enough for today. The Memorial Day weekend begins very soon. I hope you have an extra day off. Our local radio station is starting their stupid A to Z Weekend tomorrow night. They play every song in their library in alphabetical order; they do this just about every holiday. They act like they're doing us a great favor. It's almost literally like phoning it in. Thank goodness for podcasts and Roz! Have a nice Thirstday. Remember, even in this rain, look on the bright side of life. TTTT...MITM

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