Saturday, April 30, 2011


I have been up since 2:00 AM so I thought since I have been up working on the podcast prep for four hours I should probably take a break and do a blog for you. I am kind of waiting for my friend Ed Crawford to do his daily Facebook weather report so I can plan my day. Ed has been right at least 90% of the time with his forecasts...I always trust Ed on the weather and Butterscotch Sprinkles (Jay) on live show attendances. Fabio has a baseball game at 2:00 and then it's time for Cha Cha and I to celebrate our anniversary. I was thinking about going to Sycamore for their Cinco de Mayo celebration but I just found out that it isn't being held until Cinco de Uno (tomorrow). I doubt that it's like that wedding-deal where you have to sleep out the day before. I will say, that if it isn't raining tonight, we will probably have a fire on Mattgarita Island. If it isn't raining come on over and celebrate the anniversary of one of Cha Cha's top ten weak moments of her life (BYOB but I always have something if you're not picky). The fire will begin just after dusk weather permitting.
Let's give the old boy a plug? What, what?

Speaking of that big wedding, could you believe that former British Prime Minister Tony Blair wasn't invited? If I remember correctly, in the movie The Queen, QE II and Tony Blair were getting on famously at the end of the film. I assumed that entire movie, like all movies, was 100% historically accurate. Has something happened since then? Kanye West was invited but Tony Blair was not? Kanye didn't go so there was room for Mr. Blair. I am flabbergasted, indubitably! Posh Spice, Elton John, Mr. Bean, Guy Ritchie, Joss Stone but no Tony Blair? Unspeakably dreadful, I say! I was able to obtain this MITM exclusive footage of Tony Blair trying to get into the wedding uninvited.

Hey, I just thought of something I could have been doing since 2:00 AM...sleeping. No, just kidding. I think there were two new episodes of Call Me Fitz on Thursday that my trusty DVR should have recorded. Man, I love that show (after only two episodes). Fitz (Jason Priestly) used one of my favorite derogatory terms for women of all time that I hadn't heard in years and I am going to work to bring back. It may not be derogatory because I think it's kind of a compliment. I love all women and I am 47% estrogen so it isn't sexist when I use it right? Should I tell you what it is or just use it on you when I see you broads?  Nope, it's not "broads." It's much better. Maybe I will say it on this week's Dirty Laundry podcast so it can get bleeped out like Cha Cha's nastiest of all nastys last week. I think I am going to write it on the board and call Cha Cha the name tomorrow at the beginning of the show unbeknownst to her. I cannot wait....buuuuuhaaaaaa (that's an evil maniacal laugh, by the way). She shocked me last week well it's shock-back time Cha Cha!!!!
I'm Not Sponge-Worthy!

Yesterday I mentioned that the new film Friends With Benefits was just a Seinfeld episode and I was going to work on a couple of scripts the same way. MADYM (one of my many muses) posted on my Facebook page that I should also work on a screenplay called Sponge Worthy. I have put all of my previous movies based on Seinfeld episodes on hold and am focusing exclusively on Sponge Worthy. I hope Tom Kenny is available for the lead role of Bob when I get the script done. His sidekick in the film should be played by Bill Fagerbakke, of course. His name will be Pat but I will call him "The Sponge Blocker" in the film. I may have to start printing up "sponge worthy" t-shirts and giving them to my blog and pod--faithful ladies out there in sponge land. (oh yeah) (guess what song just got added to Roz's extensive catalog? - I like extensive catalogs and I cannot lie)

Alright, I am going to go downstairs and see if there are a couple of episodes for me to watch before everybody gets up and the craziness begins. Have a great day and hope for no rain and maybe a little warmth so you can come over and we can tell blogstories tonight. TTTT (the last T could stand for tonight or today if I see you before tomorrow)...MITM (out but not forgotten)

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