Friday, April 29, 2011

For Not Being Very Political I Sure Do Sound Political

What a glorious day. William and Kate are married, it's Arbor Day, I donated plasma for the fourth time in two weeks without by BP being too high or my protein being too low or my Midi-chlorian being too high or my iron being close to too high and the sun has finally made an appearance in the MIDDLEwest.
I Can Blog This Way!

I am glad that Prince William and Princess Katherine are finally married. The hype was crazy. Cha Cha said it best this morning when she said that it's finally nice to see some happy news for a change. Maybe that's the best thing to come of this hooplah. That and all of the women trying to out-gaga Lady Gaga with all of the weird hats that who knows how they get them to stay on. It was like The Kentucky Derby. We have had so much bad weather with the tornadoes ravaging the south and the east and we have already heard enough political rhetoric to last us all the way until the 2012 Presidential election but it has only begun. It's nice to hear something good happening to seemingly good people. I hope they can have as good of a marriage as Cha Cha and I have had for 23 years tomorrow (28 years together total) - WOW AM I OLD!

While I was out today I noticed something that I have noticed a lot lately. I saw the dudes at the local oil change place standing out front of their oil changery holding signs up and yelling trying to get people in to get their oil changed. It appears that the bad economy is either forcing people to change their own oil or just not to change their oil at all. It is a fairly new phenomenon for these oil jockeys to become circus sideshow acts and carnival barkers. Change your oil...a new car is more expensive than five quarts of oil and a filter - I will help you if you need help changing it.

There is a new movie out starring Justin Timerlake and Mila Kunis called Friends With Benefits. Isn't that a film based on a Seinfeld episode? I am in the process of writing my screenplays Big Salad and Serenity Now! I have not seen Friends With Benefits and I am sure I won't even though I like both Justin and Mila a great deal. I already know the ending...FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS WON'T WORK! It works with animals because they don't have human emotions. Animals are so much luckier than us in so many way. And we think we are more advanced...poppycock!
And a small state shall lead them...again!

I heard that Shell and Exxon Mobil Corporation Oil both had huge first quarter profits. Imagine that.

The Governor of the state of Vermont is trying to bring public health care to his state and the State Senate has given preliminary approval for what they call a "universal and unified health system." The person who started the push for this legislation is a woman known only as Aunt Serena. She wrote a letter to a local Vermont newspaper about trying to make ends meet and paying her bills with rising health-care costs. The paper was found in a paper printed in 1929. I wish I had written a letter 50 years before I was born so we could get a fair shake in my state. Kids, write a letter now and maybe you can have sensible health care by the time you retire. Vermont is one of the smallest states in the country and they can figure out that their best resource is healthy people. Why can't the rest of us? Way to go Vermont...this distinguished gentleman from Illinois salutes you (okay I took blogging-liberty on the "distinguished" and "gentleman" parts but I do salute you).

The city of Evanston Illinois is trying to do their part to help the environment. They are trying to pass a city ordinance that bans paper and plastic bags offered by stores. You would need to bring in your own bags or carry the items without bags. I see this as a great move toward solving a major ecological problem. Personally, we have at least 20 different bags that we have purchased over the years for the purpose of bagging our own groceries. I am ashamed to blog that most of the time we forget our bags. A lot of times I will do the self check-out and just carry the items without a bag when I don't buy much. Cha Cha and I will walk to the store once in awhile and I will put the groceries in my backpack without a bag for the walk home. If there were no bags at the stores I bet I would start remembering our bags all the time. Even though we live far from Evanston I am going to make a conscious effort to use all of those bags we paid for and do my part to help the planet breath a little easier. Maybe, if stores didn't have bags, their prices would eventually come down on groceries. Just like gas prices did when Shell and Exxon made big profits...HAH!

Enough gas from the Blogger Valdez. Have a nice weekend and be sure to wish Cha Cha condolences for putting up with me for so long. Thanks for stopping by and if you're looking for some company while you walk or type or mow the lawn go to iTunes and download the Dirty Laundry Podcast or click that Dirty Laundry Podcast link up there in the top right margin and listen from your computer. I cannot control myself; I have an overactive need for love (TWSS). TTT?...MITM (out)

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