Tuesday, April 5, 2011

You Drink You Blog You Pod

Woohoo the Autumn of yesterday looks like it will turn back into early Spring again today. Spring is here and I am not going to be a coach this year; I held my ground. It will be nice to actually get out on the boat more than zero to two times this year - baseball made that pretty much impossible; it's time to enjoy my retirement from baseball. I think I will enjoy baseball itself more too. I have always been a positive fan and it's my private, personal mission (though it's not private or personal if I blog it I guess) to make positivity infectious at Fabio's games.
Don't they look just like them?

I was watching The Kennedys mini-series in the MIDDLE of the night last night that I had DVR'd. I should probably be reviewing it over at MIDDLE MOVIE REVIEWS but I will put a trailer there instead (click that MMR review back there for the clip). It's pretty good, though, kind of corny at times. I think it may be that way because I pretty much know most of the story and they have to tell the story like nobody does - I get that. Part two is tonight and I recommend it if you like that kind of thing. I remembered when they were making it and there was talk of all of the big stars that were in the film. I think Greg Kinnear and Barry Pepper are great as John and Bobby. Katie Holmes looks quite a bit like Jacqueline Kennedy most of the time but she doesn't really have the voice down. Though I like these stars I have always thought that movies like this should use unknown actors because it is somewhat distracting to keep thinking to yourself, "self, Barry Pepper sure does sound like Bobby Kennedy and Greg Kinnear could be John F. Kennedy's body-double." The show was produced by The History Channel and, as you can imagine, it cost a lot to make. The series was already getting criticism that it was "inaccurate" before the cast was even picked. Bucking under a lot of pressure The History Channel sold the rights to ReelzChannel where it is running now. The movie begins Thursday in The United Kingdom and on History Television in Canada on Sunday. It's entertainment; give us some credit in realizing that not everything in movies is 100% true. Quit dumbing-down our society - we know what entertainment is by now.
Brittany Spears drinks H2O and drives

Happy 397th wedding anniversary to John Rolfe and Rebecca Rolfe (Pocahontas) today. Supposedly I am related somehow to Pocahontas; I see the resemblance sometimes.

While I was driving down through Southern Illinois, Missouri and Tennessee I kept seeing signs that read "YOU DRINK YOU DRIVE YOU LOSE." I am a firm believer that you shouldn't drink and drive. I cannot say that I have 100% always lived by that rule but I do believe it. That is a great slogan, "YOU DRINK YOU DRIVE YOU LOSE." Driving while everyone else is sleeping always gives me time to think (more dangerous than drinking sometimes). You do lose... you lose fuel, you lose tread on your tires, you lose miles on your car, you lose seconds of your life, you lose thoughts about what you lose because of that sign, you lose minutes to your destination... There is no way that cannot be a true statement. We always lose something. You just lost a few seconds of your life reading some of the things you can lose. The sign could just as easily say "YOU WHISTLE YOU DRIVE YOU LOSE."  However - YOU READ MATT IN THE MIDDLE YOU DRIVE YOU SHOULD KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE ROAD." Maybe Cha Cha is right about podcasting these blogs?

Alright, I am going to drink and find a job now. Have a nice day. If you haven't listened to the premiere episode of the Dirty Laundry podcast and want to just click on the link on the upper-right margin there. Also, join the Facebook page - I plan to blog about Facebook and Apps tomorrow. TTTT...MITM hit 'em hard Roz

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