Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Greatest Blog On EARTH!

Is this Judas or Like a Prayer?
Is Lady Gaga just a Madonna tribute band? More of an homage band I suppose. I know I have thought that before several times but here she goes again with her new video off of her Born This Way album. The song "Judas" seems an awful lot like Madonna's "Like a Prayer." Gaga's main mantra seems to be that "we should all be ourselves" but herself seems to be Madonna. The scandal of Madonna's "Like a Prayer" led it becoming a #1 album. No doubt some idiot puppet writer at Rolling Stone fell right into the trap in 1989 and helped get the news out while saying how crazy it was. I would never fall for something like that. If Gaga can copy Madonna I guess I can copy Rolling Stone.

Isn't it funny how all of the news stations are telling us about all of these incidents concerning airlines and airports all of a sudden? Right after the Southwest Airlines problem with the new sunroof there has been an air travel-related story on every news cast I have seen. Airplane crashes, Michelle Obama's plane being diverted, air traffic controllers sleeping in the towers... These things were happening every day and they weren't important before. Is it someone trying to divert attention from the rising gas prices? The unrest in the world? Our economy? The government becoming redundant? The auto industry trying to get us to drive to our trip in The Bahamas (good luck with that)? The sky may be falling but it's usually falling where they divert our attention away from. So far this has been kind of a doom and gloom blog hasn't it? I am not crabby today either. I had better grab the controls of this blog ship and ignore my blog traffic controller (blog book) who appears to be asleep.
Catch our fat-free ear candy on iTunes! (it's also REGULAR free)

Oh yeah, since it is now available on iTunes I can tell you that the new episode of the Dirty Laundry (podcast) is available on iTunes FREE! If you haven't heard it yet just go to iTunes and go to audio podcasts and put either Matt Helser or Dirty Laundry Podcast in the search area and you should be able to find it pretty easily. This is the fourth episode and you can download all of them there. Thank you for those of you who have downloaded, listened and "followed" us. I cannot believe how it is spreading around the world - literally and seriously. I don't want to give too many specifics now because that seems to be a segment that I do every week - mail and where are they listening...maybe I need to do a little jingle for that segment (mail bag and friends/followers around the world). I guess you'll see next week if I did that or not. If you have an idea for a jingle and want to do one I am sure Musical Director Eric Solfisburg wouldn't mind sharing the musical spotlight. Incidentally, it's worth listening to the podcast even if just to hear Eric's music.

I don't remember the racing meat products yelling so much. Maybe now that I am not coaching (except to fill-in when necessary) I should start working on some costumes to do races before Fabio's games...he would live it (NOT!). A giant ear of corn (since we are in DeKalb) racing against an asparagus stalk or whatever asparagi or asparaguses are called (what's the singular form of asparagus?) We could also have celery stalk and a carrot and a reduced-fat cheese stick. Then we would bring out an 8' tall candy bar or a giant sponge cake and the veggies could run circles around him/her/it. Think of the sponsorships and endorsements. At the finish line they could all dive into a huge bowl of healthy veggie dip. I think I need to sell this idea to a major sports team. Who would go for something like that? The Dodgers? No, they love their Dodger Dogs. L.A. Angels? Padres? Nebraska Corn Huskers!!!! (patent/trademark/copyright) Maybe my love of mascots will finally pay off?

I had teased Roz that she may be able to open her Earth Day playlist today (Earth Day Eve) if she was good. She has been good to she will begin playing her Earth Day music today after a nearly one-year hiatus. I am very excited for her. Have a nice break from the rain in the MIDDLEwest today. I am going to have to stop alienating the rest of the world as this may be a more world-wide audience with the spreading of the podcast? I think I have to do a commercial for the blog on the podcast. What kind of P.T. Barnum disciple would I be if I didn't cross-promote both ways? I apologize for my transgressions Mr. Barnum; please forgive me. Enjoy your day wherever you are and whatever the weather. TTTT...MITM (off to get press my Earth Day Suit)

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