Friday, April 8, 2011

Doin' a Thing Called the Crocodile Blog

Saw this at an Illinois rest stop last week
It's a rainy day in the MIDDLEwest but it's Friday so it's a pretty good trade-off. It's a wash!

The government shut-down that they're talking about is getting close and closer to happening. I am sure it's just a case of Democratic-Republican he said  - she said (TWSS). Midnight tonight is supposedly the deadline. Each party is blaming the other party and both want to get their way. I have seen every episode of The West Wing multiple times so I am pretty much an expert in this kinda thing. That, coupled with currently watching The Kennedys mini-series made me think of a way to help pat of this dilemma. The National Parks will close if the government shuts down. Ironically, closing these parks to save the money through payrolls of people who work at these places will cost money though entrance fees, souvenir purchases... With the unemployment rate as high as it is here why don't we keep these places open and have people who are unemployed volunteer to work at our National Parks? I would volunteer to work at one of these places. My first choice would be Hawai'i's Volcanoes National Park but I would be willing to go somewhere close like Mt. Rushmore or Lincoln's home or The Gateway Arch. I feel bad for people who may have planned their vacations around one of these great American icons and have to tell their kids that they cannot experience the reason they drove half-way across the country.

I think I would like to start holding auditions for The Real Housewives of Matt In The Middle. I have only been married once and plan to keep it that way as sad as that may make Cha Cha but I have several "blog wives." That's like work wives only from the blog rather than at work. I am not really sure what the show would be but maybe it would be better for the Dirty Laundry podcast. It's in the very early development stage.

If you listened to the podcast this week you heard that one of my top five strengths on Strengths Finder was WOO. I was narcissisticly listening to Dirty Laundry yesterday while driving and I thought maybe I should have my own Woo Tang Clan...maybe that could be what we call our listeners?

While Fabio and I were out last night getting him new baseball shoes, batting gloves and sliding pants we stopped off to get some more laundry detergent and I was able to get the mango peach -flavored MiO. I have to say that I like it even better than the blueberry pomegranate flavor.

Did you watch Saturday Night Live Saturday? I watched the DVR last night and I am amazed at how well Elton John can act homosexual. He plays gay great! I have always been a huge Sir Elton fan. I am always surprised how he is so open to making fun of anything; it's very refreshing with such a huge, huge star being so open and not taking himself so seriously.
Sir Reginald Kenneth Dwight

The Office, with Steve Carell leaving at the end of this season, is trying to keep his replacement as the boss a secret. Will Farrell is slated to make a few appearances, Ricky Gervais has been on recently and now they have signed James Spader. Ray Romano and Catherine Tate signed to make appearances soon. They're trying to make a big deal out of it but they are dragging it out so much that I am starting not to care really. I don't watch The Office just because of Michael Scott and I probably wouldn't stop watching it no matter who the new boss is.

There is a new report out of the top segregated cities in the country. The top five in order of most -segregated are: Detroit, Milwaukee, New York, Newark and Chicago. At least two, three if you count Detroit, cities are in The MIDDLEwest. This kinda makes me sad. We really haven't come as far as we think. This is even more reason that I want to work at Hawai'i's Volcanoes National Park; Hawai'i is one of the most diverse places on the planet. The grass is always greener in one of the most lush places on Earth.

I am not sure if I will have time to blog tomorrow so you may have to read this one again. I work a dog show tonight and start again at the dog show tomorrow morning at 7:00. Then we are going to see that Second City show tomorrow night. If I can squeeze it in I will blog but I doubt I will be able to. I will blog for sure Sunday and we will record the third casket (or basket as my typo was caught by Nature Girl) of Dirty Laundry. I remember the dog show last year and I blogged how dogs and owners tend to look like one another; I wish I could take photos while I worked but that will be my main focus I am sure - field research. Enjoy your Friday and the next time we "talk" we may be a country without a government. TTT?...MITM (sic semper tyrannis).

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