Wednesday, April 13, 2011

If Ever Oh Ever a Wiz There Was...

The P is for Podcast -  Dirty Laundry that is YO!
The work-week is half-over....congratulations. Sorry this is later than it has been lately but I have been working on finishing up this week's Dirty Laundry podcast. I am listening to it now while I am writing this blog. It's actually quite a bit more difficult than I thought it would be not to mention the same things here and there; I want to keep them both fresh. In case you haven't heard - Dirty Laundry is now available free on iTunes; subscribe free today.

Tonight I am working at the Wiz Kahlifa concert here in town. I am not sure what to expect but I am told that the concert is sold-out. He was on Late Night with David Letterman Monday night and now he is in Dirty Laundry / Matt In The Middle country. I imagine he will probably beg to be on the podcast but that would be unprofessional of me. If he wants to contact me tomorrow, after the concert, I will be happy to talk with him and have him over for a Dirty MATTini, a Big sexy or a Cha Cha. He will have to approach me though; you know how to get ahold of me Wiz!

While I was continuing my quests to clean the basement, garage and burn old checks and pay-stubs and such I was thinking to myself, "self, why is a penalty that is charged to someone for breaking a rule called a fine?" I am pretty sure it isn't fine with the person who is getting charged the penalty. It's just fine with the person who is collecting it.
He's right, we are!!!

This morning I heard on the news that President Obama is trying to get the wealthy in America to start paying their share of the taxes. I always found it, I can't say funny because it's anything but funny, odd that the people who don't have any money are footing almost all of the bill for this country while the fat-cats are just sitting up there and living off of us schlubs. Short of anarchy and revolt there's not much we can do. Where is Robin Hood when you need him? No one would ever suspect me... a mild-mannered blogger and podcaster. Unfortunately, I am a lover and a live and let-liver (ewww...liver) so anarchy is very, very low on my list of to-dos. I know there's no way that things will change unless somebody does something. The way we're heading something has got to change. If some of you MITM or Dirty Laundry fans need some workers on your estates in: Portugal or England or Australia or wherever let me know. I will get a work visa and come right over (possibly).

It's supposed to be almost 70 degrees in the MIDDLEwest today and I heard on the radio that there is a chance of snow here on Saturday. Someone should be fined for that forecast because that's not fine with me.

Well, I have to be at work in a couple of hours and I have a lot to do before then so I had better get a move-on. Enjoy the 70 degree weather today. I will blog you again tomorrow and I imagine something memorable will happen at the concert tonight to blog about; it usually does. I am not even going to tell you to check out the Dirty Laundry podcast on iTunes because I imagine you're getting tired of that broken reel-to-reel tape record cassette 8-track CD digital recording or whatever it's called by now. I don't want this blog to become a constant pitch for the podcast so I will try to tame it down a bit even though the new episode should be up tomorrow (possibly today). I seriously am going to try to cool the P.T. Barnum School of Self-promotion for awhile - I will try to limit the podcast-plugs to once a week when we post a new show. Thank you for your understanding, patience and forgiveness :) Namaste! TTTT...MITM (Wizzed Out)

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