Thursday, May 14, 2015


BYOWW (bring your own white wash)
Yesterday I painted (white-washed) the gate to the fence on the side of the garage at the front of the house. Cha Cha is big on keeping me mentally engaged: it's odd how "mentally engaged" is a lot of physical work. One minute I felt like Tom Sawyer and then, when I couldn't trick anybody into painting it for me, I felt more like Daniel Larusso (Danielsahn). I have another larger section to paint but I do not have enough paint to finish that portion so, starting it would be silly.It is pretty far to walk to get more paint. The gate I painted is under a white arbor and it looks really nice white. The other part is an eight foot section of fence that is on the other side of the arbor with a lot of vegetation separating the arbor from the fence. It just faces the road in the same direction of the gate so we thought it would look good matching. I think it looks good the way it is now too so, we will see once the boss gets home and makes the managerial decision. Now I feel like heading down to Hannibal again. Sounds like a nice weekend trip for the indigent huh Cha Cha? Maybe a good weekend trip for the demented?

Will The Simpsons kill off: Principle Skinner, Dr. Hibbert, Ned Flanders, Mr. Burns, Waylon Smithers, Kent Brackman, Lenny, Reverend Lovejoy, Otto Man, Ranier Wolfcastle... with Harry Shearer leaving the show? Did anybody else do any voices in that show? Supposedly, he is leaving over a contract dispute. I loved him on Saturday Night Live. A Mighty Wind and in This is Spinal Tap... I didn't know that he played the original knucklehead in the Leave It To Beaver pilot that would eventually become Eddie Haskell but not played by him. I am a huge fan. Either The Simpsons will have to work-out a contract or they may as well close the doors. Harry Shearer, Martin Short and Christoper Guest did one of my favorite Saturday Night Live skit of all time. I would love Harry Shearer to host SNL now that his dance card will probably be freed-up. I wanted to put the clip of the skit but SNL guards their copyrights so closely so this is the only one I could find.
This is one of my favorite Saturday Night Live sketches of all time
I am tired of all the Tom Brady talk already so I am not going to talk about all of the cheating that is coming out from as far back as 2004 now.

I am so happy to hear that American Idol will be in their final season this coming-up season. That show, in my opinion, has done more to ruin television than any other show in television history. It was the one that lead to all of the: real housewife crap and the bachelor garbage and dating shows and living with stranger shows and swapping partners and the dancing and the kids competing in adult sports and competitions and the models and the chefs and the cops and the Honey Boo Boos and the athletes' wives and the fighting over storage units or the pawn brokers or the fighting deadly animals... I hope all of those shows just shrivel-up and die. And, I still cannot believe that daytime soap operas are back. I am excited, but terrified, to see what will replace all of these shows when they. hopefully, die.

I am going to: clean the kitchen, start some laundry, take a shower, vacuum the upstairs

We are supposed to get our flight information 75 days before our trip. It is 68 days before our trip and we have not received that information yet. I really hope we fly Virgin Air. We are flying over the Atlantic Ocean and it is Virgin Atlantic, right? See what happens when you have so much time on your hands? Maybe this is the real reason Cha Cha keeps finding projects for me to do. It is nice to have time to get all of the things that have needed to get done for a long time done. There is a lot of work to be done on in the basement. I am on a very new medicines since my doctor appointment yesterday and I am trying to get acclimated to those. My seizure medicine got boosted and I am now on anti-depressants at the request of Jill. I do not think I am depressed but I am blue from time-to-time. I also got a pill to take when I go to bed to help me sleep. I have taken one each night the last two nights and it has really worked. I still feel a bit tired throughout the day but I am guessing I still have some caching-up in the sleep department.

Thank you for coming by; I am so happy that you do. Have a great day. It is chilly again in this neck of the MIDDLE. They are talking rain over the next few days so the grass will grow and I will be able to mow the lawn again next week. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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