Saturday, May 16, 2015

Bird Poop Warning!

They are already studying-up for this afternoon
I planned on blogging something fantastic and then I vacuum and, when I now sat down to blog and I cannot remember what I was going to blog about. I am sure it would have been an award winning blog too.

If I were you I would stay away for Maple Park, IL this afternoon. I believe lightning will strike there. I have not been inside of a church since... I cannot even remember. It has to have been a wedding. Today Jill's brother and sister-in-law, which makes them my brother-in-law and sister-and-law, are renewing their wedding vows. They are doing it in the same church where they got married and the church where we got married. I think the last time I went to church was in Virgil, IL other than weddings. That mass was held outside and a bird pooped on my shoulder. I am not kidding. We were not sitting under a tree. He just flew by and dropped one right on me. I took it as a sign and have never gone back. If the powers from above are going to be that obvious I am going to listen. So, stay away for St. Mary's Catholic Church this afternoon if you know what's good for you. We always chalked the bird thing up to me not being Catholic and attending a Catholic mass but I had attended many Catholic masses (one even with some kind of Middle Eastern language on Christmas Eve with Splenda). I was even married in the same Catholic church that we will be at today. Beware! All signs point to poop on shoulders.

It reminds me of a story about my Great Grandma Kitty (Katherine McGuire). While she was in Germany visiting my mom and welcoming me into the world something similar happened to her (but she was Catholic so it must have been for different reasons). As my mom tells the story, Grandma Kitty always walked with her purse over her forearm with her arm outstretched in front of her with her palms up. One day a bird dropped a deuce right in the palm of her hand. I was there but I do not recall that. Though my memory is failing me I am not really hard on myself for not remembering something from when I was four months old.
I am hearing that the Republican Party is trying to attack Hillary Clinton through her two bothers. It sounds like the brothers have tried to profit from the relation to the former (and maybe future) first family. I don't think this tactic will work. Jimmy Carter became president in spite of Billy Carter. Will they hold George W. up against Jeb Bush? That one is a bit different since his brother was President but I do not think they will hold him to be the same knucklehead that W. was. Many of us have siblings that are totally different than we are. I guess they cannot find anything on Hillary so they are going to attack her in a useless round-about way. I have already decided that, unless something catastrophic or totally scandalous comes-out, I am voting for Clinton again (a different one this time). I voted for Obama twice and I am very happy that I did. I plan to vote for another Clinton twice, as I did with the last one, too.

Yesterday I finished whitewashing the fence, I got the two plants that Cha Cha wanted planted planted and I cleaned out the refrigerator. It was a fun-filled, action-packed day. Jill was right, the part of the fence that faces the street looks really nice white. I don't know why I ever doubt her in MATTers of the yard. She has great vision in that regard. That is why I am just the labor. She does ask my opinion from time-to-time and I do help with the small picture but most of the big picture is all her.

Well, we have lots of stuff to get done today (just like every day) so I had better wrap-up. My advise for the day is to watch out for birds. Thank you for stopping in today. I hope you have a great rest of your weekend. TTTMonday...MITM (out) TA!

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