Wednesday, May 20, 2015

I Felt Like a Zoo Animal

Last night was the night that I had my sleep study. It is weird having Hal 9000 watching you all night long. It has changed a lot since the last time I had one of these tests about 20 years ago. If I remember correctly, I had an actual hospital bed to sleep in and there was a big window where they stared at me through back then. Last night it was just like a hotel room. I had a television mounted on the wall, I had my own bathroom, a fan and the bed was a very comfortable queen sized bed. There was a red light bulb in one of the lights in the ceiling and, above the television, there was a little camera with another red light. There was a communicating gadget on the side of the bed on the night stand where we could talk to one another. I think I slept fairly well and he technician never had to come in and give me a "treatment." I am not sure what "a treatment" was because I never got one. He came in one time because I had gotten tangled in my Pinocchio strings. At the end of the night (05:00 this morning) he could not say anything about the test as he is not a doctor rather the facilitator. I did not press him for information because he was a very nice guy and I did not want him to get into any trouble. Supposedly, I will learn my results in five to seven days.

Earlier in the day I saw another neurologist for a second opinion. He was not quite as doom and gloom as the other neurologist. He was in agreement that I should not be working nights. I have heard that now from three doctors and a technician and a wife. I suppose we are not nocturnal creatures.

I found that I had written a blog yesterday and never posted it. I posted it just before I began writing today's (this one) blog. My forgetfulness doesn't even bother me anymore. It's funny how, when someone with a white coat on tells you something, it makes it okay. There is a lot pressure in life the way I feel about myself now.

I am loving the fall-like weather we are having. I hope it stays like this the rest of the summer. I much prefer wearing a sweatshirt than wearing a shirt covered in sweat. Why do you suppose a sweatshirt is called a sweatshirt? It is kind of a stupid name if you think about it. I usually wear them when it is cold out and I do not sweat then. If I wear them in the summer, of course, I sweat but I would sweat without the sweatshirt on, Any shirt is a sweatshirt in the summer. Even a tank-top is a sweatshirt on a hot summer day.

It is now almost 17:00. I wrote a bit this morning and now I am back. I have to try to get something ready for dinner. I went to the store earlier and now I lost the two recipes I bought all the ingredients for. They are recipes on Pinterest. I blame my mind for 40% of that and my being a moron for the other 60%. I am fairly new to Pinterest and still getting my sea legs. I love it but will like it much better when I get used to it. Cha Cha is a whiz at it. It is super for me to get ideas for gifts and things for her. So, I have ingredients for two new recipes I am going to try eventually. Meanwhile it is almost dinner time and I have a lot of ingredients and no recipes. I am great at coming up with dishes on my own but I don't want to use these ingredients and then find the recipes and not have the ingredients. I will blame my insanity - it is so liberating to have a built-in excuse for everything. If you're not on Pinterest check it out. It's free. You can follow me there if you want to but don;t expect a lot. Follow someone who knows what they are doing like Jill. I am using it more and more and I will get better (maybe).

I should go because I have to figure out something for dinner either with the ingredients I bought or something else. Have a great night. Sorry for the two blogs today. Thank you for coming by. I have a another doctor's appointment tomorrow so the blog will probably be a bit later. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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