Thursday, May 28, 2015

Matty McFly In The Middle

No you CAIN't
I think the worst marketing move in the history of marketing (which started day one of history) was calling that green melon with the red inside with the black and white seeds (though there are not very many black seeds anymore) watermelon. Maybe they were marketing it for the desert. Hey, what happened to the black seeds? Most water melons don't have black seeds anymore. Is there seedism in the melon world? I have never been too much of a watermelon fan but maybe I saw the early signs of the seedism and I think we should all get along.

I said yesterday that I would blog earlier today. I am still working on making that a truth but, it is 12:31 already. I wrote that first paragraph about four hours ago and then I went down and worked on the basement again. I cannot believe how much Shinola we have accumulated in the eleven years. That was eleven years in this house. I bet we brought a lot of stuff from the last house where we lived for nine years too. I found stuff from our wedding in 1988 so that makes it 27 years worth of stuff and there were things from college and from our childhoods... I guess we have things that we have had for over 50 years down there. No wonder it's taking me so damn long to clean the basement. I am getting rid of a lot of things. Don't tell my mom but I found three unopened Halloween cards. I can tell the are Halloween cards because they are in orange envelopes and postmarked "19 OCT 2011 PM 8." I don;t know if we should open them. Maybe I should write "return to sender" on them or "could not deliver" and see if she gets them back and what she says. I also found October 24, 2011's Newsweek magazine. Looks like they are giving Herman Cain a chance to beat President Obama. I feel like I am in Back To The Future IV. I am Matty McFly or maybe just MattFly?

I got a call back from my neurologist and my EEG is scheduled for Monday now. I have not heard anything back about the sleep study so, I am assuming, they were just doing the old placating the patient to get him off the phone deal. I think, given an option (which means that I will die if I do not get to a hospital in 15 minutes), I will not be going to Kishwaukee Community Hospital unless it is to visit someone or turn around in their parking lot. Maybe not even to turn around in their parking lot. Upon reflection KCH is a good hospital but the sleep study are, though the study itself was run well, seems a bit amiss (I may be a unique situation maybe?).
Now it is 15:25. This late blogging is becoming a habit isn't it? I am not sure if it makes much difference because you can read it when you want but, if you want to read it in the morning you will have to weight until tomorrow. I could pick you up in the DeLorean and I could take you to tomorrow morning. Or, I could get in the DeLorean and go back and post it earlier even though I am writing it now. I am scared to get too much into the Back to the Future stuff because this is the year that the Cubs, according to the movie, are gonna win the World Series. They are within striking distance being in second place behind some team that is in first. Even Sporting News picked them to win the Series this year. When I am in France I am going to bet on the Cubs to win the World Series. Can you do that? Would they mail me my winnings?

Speaking of gambling - I wonder if American Pharoah will win The Belmont Stakes to take The Triple Crown? The last time  horses won The Triple Crown were in 1978 (Affirmed), 1977 (Seattle Slew) and 1973 (Secretariat). I remember as a kid how big of a celebrity Secretariat was. I bet not near as many people know about American Pharoah as knew about Secretariat or even Seattle Slew or Affirmed. We have so many other things that we seem to have to keep up on these days.

It is now 18:22 and shopping was done, dinner was made, kitchen was cleaned and I am on the patio with Crosby, Stills & Nash singing Southern Cross while I am eating walnut-crusted pork tenderloin on salad greens with a raspberry balsamic vinaigrette and pan-roasted brussels sprouts (yes, they are brussels sprouts and not brussel sprouts) and squash. I may have to open my own restaurant. This pork is really, really good. And, I am eating it cold (after kitchen clean-up).  I am not much of a pork man or a squash man but wow, these are good. I don't like cucumbers either but I ate them in one of my dishes last week too. Funny that I don't like cucumbers but I love pickles and tzatziki sauce. Okay, it is almost seven at night and I am gonna end. Before I do...
It seems pretty clear-cut to me but I'm a few marble short of a full sack

I was look through some of my medical papers while the pork was cooking at 375 degrees Fahrenheit. I found the paper that they gave me when I left Kishwaukee Community Hospital at the end of my sleep study and I might call my friend Sue the nurse again tomorrow. It states: "...Your final results will be sent to your physician usually within 5-7 business days..." Okay, let's say for the sake of me being the bigger Matt that Saturday and Sunday and Memorial Day are not "business days" for a hospital (whatever you do don't get in a car accident on a Saturday or Sunday or get a finger blown off on the Fourth of July with a firecracker because there is no business at the hospital). I had my study done last Tuesday (the 19th) today is day six. They told me yesterday that it would be another week so, without counting the Saturday and Sunday coming up, that would be eleven days. I may have to give Sue the nurse a call tomorrow because that is day seven (with the three "weekend" days). I am going to have a difficult time letting this one drop.

Okay, I am going to relax before I sleep. I have felt odd all day and really, really tired. I started taking another medicine yesterday (the one I am supposed to take "AT 5PM") and that may be effecting me. By the way, since I was cooking, I didn't take it until about 17:40. Oh well, we all have to die of something. Thanks for waiting around for me to get this completed. I will try again to get the blog done earlier tomorrow. I will try really, really hard. Have a great rest of your night. TTTT...MITM (out) GO CUBS!!!! I think I spelled Blackhawks wrong there and my fingers were crossed! TA! (I did not even attempt to proofread - sorry)

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