Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Traditions Are Meant to Change

I just saw that I never posted this blog from Monday as I began to write today's blog so - bonus!

Saturday night Cha Cha and I watched a film called The Judge with Robert Downey Jr,, Robert Duvall, Billy Bob Thornton... They didn't actually all come over, rather, they were in the film. Only Bill Bob Thornton came over. It was a really good movie. I think they are all good actors. For Mother's Day Fabio had gotten Cha Cha something called Chrome Cast that plugs into the HDMI port on your television and allows you to broadcast whatever is on your mobile unit (laptop, phone, notebook...) onto your television. Then you can rent or buy the newer movies that are at Redbox and such and not have to worry about returning them.

I have always kept a pad of paper and a pen next to my bed for as long as I can remember. Last night I wrote three things on three separate lines. I wrote; "street level, sky boxes & atrium." I have no idea what I was referencing and now I wish I had not written anything because this will drive me crazy faster than I was going to get there in the first place. I suspect that it has something to do with a concert or sports venue. Maybe it will come to me but I am not that hopeful. It was probably related to a dream but I am on something to help me sleep and that stuff seems to be working very well.

Did you know that when Mr. Toad's Wild Ride closed at Walt Disney World a tombstone was placed in The Haunted Mansion to commemorate its "death?" I just found that interesting and I like to share.

Madmen ended last night. I am not going to say anything specific about it in case you recorded it or DVR'd it (same thing I suppose) and haven't watched it yet. Suffice it to say that Cha Cha and I were somewhat disappointed. I don;t know what we were expecting. Maybe, after we think about it, we will find it appropriate. Some things were good but some were not appropriate to our liking.

I am not sure if I am going to mow the lawn again today. I just looked at my calendar and tomorrow is my second neurological opinion and tomorrow night is my sleep study so maybe I will mow it today as my dance-card is kind of full tomorrow. Damn it. I haven't had any issues with spells or passing out since a week ago tomorrow. That is not my longest run but I am happy about that. I feel tired pretty much all the time but Jill thinks that is because of the new meds that I am taking. I am sleeping better than I had due to the sleeping medicine I received that week but I would have thought that would make me not as tired throughout the day. That is way I don't get paid to think.

Cha Cha listens to National Public Radio (NPR) every morning so, I listen to NPR every morning too. We sit in the Tiki Room with our devises while she has her morning coffee (usually her with her tablet and me with my iPhone and my laptop) and listen to NPR. They just talked about the Madmen finale. They mentioned something about last night's episode that neither one of us got from the show. It is kind of cool if it is true. And, for me, it adds a little to the final episode making it a somewhat better ending. If you want to know what that is send me a message and I will tell you. Maybe you already got it and Cha Cha are just a bit slow. In my case, I know that is so.

I just took a break from writing to mow the lawn.You knew I would didn't you? It is a really nice day out here right now. I would say I was gone for about 75 minutes. I do a pretty thorough job and we have lots and lots and lot of trees and flower beds. Jill is a fantastic landscaper and a yard visionary but her vision does not take into account the laborer who has to mow. She does most of the weeding and pruning and such so I guess she does know the volume. She calls me in for the chopping and sawing and hauling and some of the hole-digging and mowing though.

I hear someone else out there mowing their lawn. Isn't it funny that, when somebody mows there lawn, everybody else feels like they have to. I thought me mowing during the day would save some poor sap from having to do that but, nope.

I rarely turn on the television during the day. There is always something much more productive to do. When I go back to work (as I assume I will eventually) how is all of the stuff gonna get done around here? Answer: I will continue to do it. I really need to work on one of about six books that I have began writing. I would feel guilty doing that because there is always so much to do around the house but, when I make it big, I guess the guilt would pass quickly.

Last night I barbecued chicken on the grill and, when I get done here, I have to clean the kitchen. I am sure there is more laundry to do too. I am a great house husband. I like how Cha Cha and I are truly a team; we aren't all hung-up on what is traditionally a woman's job and what is a man's job. Some traditions are stupid. I love to cook and she loves to do yard work. It also makes a difference that I am home during the day and she is here at nights. Who knows if that will change though. I seem to be the car and wheelbarrow guy and she seems to be the one to go to to complain about dad gal. I seem to be the snow removal one and she is the decorating visionary. I am the lifting and moving the heavy stuff and she is what goes where one. I guess we just take them task-by-task. If it ain't broke don't fix it but if it is broke that is usually a dad think unless it is computers.

Okay, I am going to take a shower and clean the kitchen. I have to figure out dinner too. Thank you for stopping-by and letting me stall behind tasks. You are my favorite enabler. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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