Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Very, Very, Short Blog

That looks comfortable. Can they get true test that way?
So, now I have yet another doctor. Between Jill and I we could start our own clinic with the physicians we have seen since October. The one I went to see today was another neurologist. This one was not quite as doom and gloom as the other one but this was our first meeting. He wasn't all flowers and rainbows either but I feel a bit more hope and am much more optimistic. I still don't know what my mental future holds but who of us really does? I have the sleep study tonight and another meeting with neurologist number one Thursday. Then I go back to CDH (Central DuPage Hospital) for three nights or two nights and three days or something. They are gonna hook me up like Frankenstein's Monster and read my brain for three days straight; It should be a short test. They have WiFi and I am sure they have satellite television and I guess I can wander around because it is wireless these days. I have HBOGo and other forms of entertainment on my devices. I just want to be done with all of this. I am either crazy or forgetful or having seizures or have dementia or enjoying Alzheimers or not getting the proper sleep or I am just getting old. It would just be nice to know what is going on in my noddle. Maybe I am a medical mystery or an anomaly.

I really do not feel like blogging today. I am tired but I m not sure if I should take a nap or not with the sleep test tonight. I am definitely not going to take the sleeping pill that I was given to take because then they won't see how I usually sleep (or don't sleep).

I am gonna end here. Sorry it is so short (that's not the first time I said that - about the blog, of course). I hope you have a great night. I will have more to blog tomorrow. Maybe, while I am not sleeping at my sleep study, I will take some notes of things to blog about. Thanks for ready the few thoughts I could muster. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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