Thursday, May 7, 2015

Are There Blackberries in The Black Forest

I slept a little longer than usual today. I slept all the way to 03:16. Even though I wake-up so early every day I do not take naps during the day. I take ZzzQuil once in awhile at night in hopes that it will help me sleep later but it only helps me fall asleep. So, I may stop taking that. I don't have a problem with falling asleep since I stay pretty busy all day long. The sleep study in a couple of weeks, I am fairly certain, will bear sleepy fruit. I am concerned that my body or what is left of my mind enjoys getting up early for some reason. Maybe I am still on German time from my birth; wouldn't that be odd? If so, maybe I need to move back to Deutschland. It is 07:24 here now and 14:24 in Germany. Since they are seven hours ahead I woke-up at 10:16 which is acceptable. Maybe I just need to defect when we stop there on the cruise. I am hoping that the sleep study will also cure memory loss though I am not real hopeful in that area though, if I am wrong, I will forget all about it. However, sleeping better may help me remember or, at least, slow-down the impending dementia and beyond.

Today Cha Cha and I are going to the place where we met some of the very best friends and important people still in our lives (including each other). And, because of those people we met many more of the most important people in our lives. I would list them but I am afraid I would leave some out so I won't. They know who they are. Of course, Cha Cha is number one for me and, without meeting her, we wouldn't have our kids presumably. I don't think many people will be offended if I mention her. We are headed to Waubonsee Community College to visit a counselor to set Fabio's classes for the Fall semester. I am not surprised that he is going there as he is pretty much a home-body. It is also a lot less-expensive to get your gen-ed courses out of the way before knowing if college is even the way you want to go. And, just like I did while in school, he can continue to work at his current job. There is some talk that he may go to colleges at the same time. I will save that discussion for if, and when, it occurs.
Howard and Shortcake looked a lot different on Love American Style
I really don't feel very creative or motivated to write today for some reason. I feel motivated to take a nap and it is only 08:50. That is not a good start to the day.

I rode with Fabio to his work yesterday (the supermarket near our home) and filled my backpack with ingredients for dinner and walked home. I found a chicken recipe on Pinterest and it turned-out great. It was quick and easy and delicious. Plus asparagus on the side. Everyone loved it. I also made blackberry shortcakes. They were good too but I can see why strawberry is the fruit of choice for shortcakes. Ha, shortcakes made me think of Joanie Cunningham. Sure, that kind of crap I can remember. Yesterday was the heaviest backpack I have carried in my effort to be more European (not to be confused with Europoopin). The milk and two large bottles of Pellegrino added greatly to the weight.

I have Saving Private Ryan on in the background.I would say this is one of the best war films of all time. It is weird to think in a couple months we will be near Omaha Beach in Normandy. I am starting to make a list of places in France and Germany... where I think I might like to see. I do not believe I will have time to see them all. The Czech Republic and Luxembourg will be easier. I bet Omaha Beach just looks like a beach now with houses and such there.

Does The Black Forest have white trees?
Wow, it's 10:36 now. I had to go outside and take one of the downspouts apart and clean it out. Ironically, it is the one furthest away from our trees. Fabio was lying in the hammock the other day and looked up and pointed to one of our trees and said, "I think that is the tallest tree in the subdivision." Then he pointed to the one next to it and said, "I think that is the second tallest tree in the subdivision." I think he is correct. The four trees in our backyard are slowly turning white too. They had always had the usual brown bark but, starting at the top and working down, they are turning white. We love the white ones and Cha Cha had always said that she wanted white trees and, since she is so good to the Earth Mother Nature is granting her wish. i think they may be Maples or Birch but I am not sure about that kind of stuff and, if I did know, I forgot. This forgetful thing is so much less pressure; I wish I had never had a good memory but then I would not know what I was losing. Better have had and lost than .ever having had at all they say. THEY know everything.

I have to get dressed now. Yes, I was up on a ladder snaking out and taking apart downspouts and gutters in my pajamas. I am rehearsing for everyone watching me in my pajamas when I have my sleep study. Enjoy the nice weather today (that is me assuming you have nice weather where you are). Thank you so much for being here again today. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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