Monday, May 11, 2015

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Yesterday was a nice Mother's Day. We met my mom and dad for brunch. After that Cha Cha and I went home to change clothes and worked in the front yard for a few hours. Believe it or not, that is what Cha Cha likes to do and I like her happy so I help when called-upon. We took a break and headed to the two large home / gardening stores in town. When we got back home we did a bit of work in the back yard first. Jill cleaned out the flower beds and planted some of the plants that we had bought earlier. I grabbed an ax and a saw and started chopping and/or sawing the seven or eight dead branches from the trees. I find it amazing that, once you cut this deadwood the tree grows better than before. Just like a team or a company "cutting the deadwood."
One Good Deed Deserves Me Being Attacked

When we got back we started working on the side of the house. After we finished there, on the way to the front, we started to get yelled-at by several robins. If you remember May 4th's blog (if not, you can just scroll down to that blog if you wish) I posted a photo of the baby robin in a nest in our fence. Yesterday we saw that baby robin and it now looks like a miniature robin with feathers and a pink breast. During all of the freaking-out from above the baby robin tumbled to the ground. Maybe their screaming was saying "get out of there because there is a big goof with yellow hands coming for you." I approached the robin and he/she hopped or bounced or whatever they do because it could not yet fly. I was worried that predators (maybe even Jeff) would either try to eat the baby or, in Jeff's case, want to play with it and kill it my accident. So, since I was wearing my yellow chore gloves, I moved closer and it bounced faster. The sky was immediately filled with six or seven birds swooping me and dive-bombing but I was undeterred in assisting the baby to get back to its home. I heard them but did not know they were swooping until afterward when Cha Cha told me. But, that would not have changed my resolve anyway. I placed the baby back in the nest and we moved to the front of the house. I am sure that they have forgotten all about the giant who saved their baby but I feel better. You hear people say that you should not touch wild animals because the parents will reject then after that but, that is a myth. Do we reject our children when they are touched by dogs or cats...? That baby bird is probably a legend today; there are tales being spun right now about the baby robin who survived an interaction with a human and survived. I know baby birds cannot usually fly when they first leave the nest and they just hop like this one was doing but, with the dog in the yard who likes to play with bouncing things, this was not the proper time to try this. I bet the baby will gone today flying and pooping on cars everywhere.

That reminded me of the time we were in Hawaii (the big island I believe) and we came over a hill and there was a baby turtle crossing the road ("to get to the other side" I presume). I stopped the car and got out and carried the turtle to the edge of the road (the direction he/she was going, of course). As soon as I got back in the car and started to drive away a car came over the hill right behind us. I never even thought about being rear-ended but, karma protected us by timing, and we were not harmed and neither was the turtle. I am sort of like an Avenger of animals. Maybe I am Captain Kritter or something. I wonder what kind of wildlife I will be called-upon to save in Europe. Probably dragons with all of those castles that they have. That one might be trickier.
I bet it has changed as much as I have in 52 years

Speaking of Europe, I talked to my dad at breakfast yesterday about their time in Germany while he was in the U.S. Army. I am not sure why but I am excited about seeing the Army base where I was born. I am going to contact them before we go and see if we can get onto the base. I am not very hopeful about that with all of the terrorism in the world. I am not sure why these sorts of things are important to us (me anyway). I bet, once that baby leaves that nest, he/she will never come back here so why do I want to go back? Although we do provide a pretty good smorgasbord for all of the wildlife here. Maybe we can eat in the mess hall there? Yum!

If rainy days and Mondays always got The Carpenters down how did they feel on days like today when it was a rainy Monday?

Today one of my fun chores around the house, thanks to the rain, is to clean the three bathrooms. I guess it is considered two-and-a-half baths according to whomever decides that sort of thing. The laundry is going and the washer just sounded for me to begin load number two so I will be right back. Okay, the second load is washing and load number one is drying. The folding will commence in approximately 45 minutes.
The folding is done and it is now 16;17. While I was cleaned the 2 1/2 bathrooms. They are pretty spick-and-span. I also called the neurologist and he wants to see me tomorrow afternoon. I am very tired now and, when I am done writing this, I think I will lie down for a bit. If I don't whatever is in charge of me will probably lay me down anyway and my way won't hurt as much. I am gonna stop now and clean-up my cleaning supplies and lie down. Thanks a lot for watching me clean the bathrooms and for being here; you give me something good to do to occupy my time/mind. The more thinks that require me to thing the better. Strike that, reverse it. I will blog tomorrow morning before I go see what new is wrong with me. TTTT...MITM (out) zzzzzzzzTA!

P.S. I didn't even attempt to proofread today.Double TA!

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