Friday, May 8, 2015

I Suppose I Could Be Called a Knot-Head Again.

It has been a very eventful morning and it is only 11:25. I woke-up at 01:56 and tried to go back to sleep for about three hours. I decided, after being unsuccessful in that sleeping endeavor, to get up. I heard some stirring so I took my daily meds and came downstairs and saw Cha Cha having her morning coffee. She had to go into the office a bit earlier than usual today for some meeting she was facilitating or being part of or something. I planted some cilantro in the backyard and our a-hole dog Jeff dug it up about ten minutes later when my back was turned so I had to deal with him and replant it. I wanted to get the lawn mowed early because it is supposed to rain this afternoon. Like a good neighbor Mattfarm is there I waited until 08:00 before firing-up the lawnmower. I got the lawn mowed within an hour, put everything away and found a bit of garbage in the garage that I had missed earlier and took it to the curb in time for the trash man. Then I let Jeff back outside so he could promptly dig the cilantro up again. His punishment this time was a bit more severe than the first time. I then showered and got sort-of dressed and came back downstairs to start a load of laundry and clean the kitchen. I think it was about 10:30 at that point. I went into the kitchen and the next thing I knew I woke-up on my face on the floor with a headache. I did not think to look at a clock. I apparently passed-out and smacked my head on either the counter or the floor and now I have a headache and a bump on my forehead about three inches above my right eyebrow. Matt fell down and broke his crown. It is almost 12:30 now and I still have a headache and 2 lumps on my head but I will be fine. "How many lumps do you want?" "Oh, two or three." I wish I could figure out was triggers these episodes so I could control them. I will figure it out and beat this thing eventually.This only the second time that I have passed-out that I am aware of though I have had many other spells. I hope Jill doesn't read or hear about this before she gets home from work because she will worry. I like to write it here and put these things in my calendar so, when I go back to the doctor, I will have them time-stamped to tell him about. I cannot trust my memory alone any longer.

Okay, on to something else.

Jill and I are really getting excited about or trip in August. We both look at sites of the places we are going getting ideas of what to see while we are there. I am really happy that we are going to Heidelberg so I can finally see where I was born. I don't know what that should be exciting but it is. I am guessing it will a let-down because I am building it up so big in my deteriorating mind. I am also glad that we are going to Paris because that has been a place that Jill has always wanted to visit. I find it odd and amusing that, without me losing my mind, we would not be going on this trip. We will have to take lots of photos and videos so I will be able to re-experience it for the first time over-and-over again. I still cannot believe we got the trip that we did. I have always believed in karma and maybe this is karma at work?
Mother's Day is a couple days away. We are taking my mom (and my kids' mom) to breakfast. We were smart and we have a reservation. I do not think it is a unique idea to go to breakfast on Mother's Day so I am thinking it may be crowded.

Now it is 13:02. I have been doing some housework between paragraphs. Fabio will be home in a few minutes and we will probably go get some lunch. I am not getting out of the car so we will have to do a drive-thru or I will order something for delivery or carry-out. I have a pretty bad headache now. I also really tired but I am afraid to sleep being here alone in case I am concussed. When we get back from lunch I think I will take a chance and nap. If napping is the way I was meant to go so be it. It won't spark a very good epitaph.

Okay, it is now 14:13 because I just cleaned the kitchen because I was unable to do it before when I intended to. I am going to end this now and maybe take a nap before Fabio goes to work so he can make sure I am either awake or snoring. Thanks a lot for stopping by and letting me time-line and time-stamp my newest injury. I need to put it on my phone calendar - ARGH! Enjoy the rest of your NON-RAINING day. TTTT (probably)...MITM (out) TA!

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