Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Guten Tag Meine Freunde

Please do not use if your issue is medically related
I am so tired of my healthcare provider. I may change the clinic that I go to though that is usually a pain in the butt. Maybe I will just change my primary physician because Cha Cha uses a doctor that she says is very responsive. I go to Dryer Medical and they have this thing called MyChart whereby I can (supposedly) communicate with my doctor. It is kind of like a message board that you are supposed to be able to contact your physician through what is basically an email and they see it right away and can respond to you. A simple "thank you for the information" would suffice in most cases. I sent a message to my doctor yesterday 07:28 and I do not even know if he or his staff has seen the message yet. So, at the urging of Cha Cha, I called my neurologist yesterday (because he is not a member of the Dreyer team and does not use MyChart) and he wants to see me today at 14:00. I am guessing he will examine the inside of my head but he won't find anything. I have always liked that joke as I recall.
I like that I can watch movies that I have, allegedly, already seen for the first time. I think I may have wrote that here before but I am not certain of that either. I woke up very early this morning, as usual, and turned on HBO and the film Divergent was on. I remember the title but don't remember any of the film. I will often ask Cha Cha later if I had seen that movie previously. My feeling is that I have not seen this one but much of it seems familiar. It seems like it is a movie made from one of those book series that the kids read when they were young and I may have gone with them to see the movie. The synopsis says the movie is from 2014 so that theory is unlikely unless this is like number three in the series or something.
I heard that Tom Brady received a four-game suspension in the DeflateGate Scandal. Some call it Ballghazi. I think it is funny how the Watergate Conspiracy is still influencing naming things today. I suppose that is what history is all about though isn't it? In case you are unfamiliar with that football deflating scandal it was during the NFL play-off game between the Colts and the Patriots. Without going into too much detail because, if you are a football fan, you are already familiar and, if you are not, you don't really care. It has to do with footballs being under-inflated so they could be gripped better for passing and catching too I suppose. It is easier to catch a pillow than a cinder block. Anyway, they have to have a fall-guy and the quarterback seems to be the best suspect and, it sounds like, it was at his request. Some teams had suspected it was going on in previous games. When Brady threw an interception one of the opposing players had, unknowingly at the time, a piece of evidence. There were thoughts that Brady would be suspended for an entire season so they are probably relieved it is only for four or the 13 regular season games. This will give back-up QB Jimmy Garoppolo a chance to show what he's got for four weeks or so. Or that new guy Jon Grady.

While I am writing this I now am watching a training film called Sling Blade. I am trying to get some pointers about not knowing much and getting along in society so I am prepared. There are some methods in this training video that I will probably not consider using. Nothing is 100% though I suppose.
I like this better

Jill has this great plan that, since I took German in high school and she took French that we should both brush-up and work on our foreign languages for our trip. I call "not fair" for a couple of reasons. Firstly, we are only going to be in France for two days and in Germany for like acht or neun. Secondly, I have a bonafide, clinically diagnosed, inability to remember things. I have been listening to German pop music in hopes that something will seep in and fill some of the cracks. Our music is much better. Maybe forcing the brain to learn things again that you knew from long ago will help to repair it. Maybe relearning old memories will be like Spackle. I now know that atemlos means breathless. I think I will try to re-learn German. Can you believe one could take six years of a language and only be able to babble like a two-year-old? It is the old "use it or lose it" adage. Wouldn't it be odd if I studied Deutsche rigorously and then I forgot how to spechen Englisch? How about she speaks and kisses French, I drive German and dress Italian and we both spend Arabian? If you just kiss regularly in France are you still French kissing?

Okay I have to get some things done around the house before I go see how looney tunes I am now. I don't really know what he will be able to tell by just talking to me. Are they going to order another EEG? I have been in a regular-person sleep cycle for over a month now though I am still not sleeping very much. I am. at least, sleeping during the hours humans have grown accustomed to sleeping. Being in Europe will mess that up won't it? Maybe we will just defect and stay over there. I guess that isn't really defecting though is it? Unless we go to a Communist country. Okay, I am just rambling as I sometimes have a habit of doing.

Have a great day. It is a chilly one outside again in these here MIDDLE parts. Danke Schon for coming by. TTTT...MITM (aus). Auf wiedersehen TA!

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