Saturday, May 23, 2015

Here's a Truck Stop Instead of St. Peter's

EVERYTHING in your body runs through your brain
I am sorry I did not blog yesterday; I was pretty busy all day long and, by the time I got to where I could have blogged, it was so late you probably wouldn't have read it until today anyway so I figured I may as well just blog today. So I am.

Yesterday morning started off with me seeing an old dear friend. We have known each other since I was in sixth grade so, he is actually among the friends that I have had the longest in my life that I still stay in contact with. We were in the Fox Valley Raiders Drum & Bugle Corps together when we were kids. I even took private drum lessons from him. Like almost all friends that you have had since childhood we lost touch. A few years ago he contact me about marching in a parade with a bunch of drum corps people in a group called Fossil Band - Second Time Around. Anyway, he is a chiropractor now (a pretty darn good one to put it very mildly). He reads this blog when he can and, hearing of all my recent medical issues he wanted to give helping me a crack (yes, that was a very poor attempt at humor). So, I agreed and he came to the house yesterday morning. Who says doctors don't make house calls anymore? I had never been to a chiropractor but the thought had always intrigued me. I had always believed that the science (if that is an appropriate term) is a very important tool in curing most medical and physiological maladies. I just had never gotten around to trying it. Kevin, as I said, had been reading the blog and wanted to try to help me. I agreed and he came down yesterday morning and, even though it was just yesterday, I have seen some improvements already. I cannot say, yet, whether or not there is anything change in my mental health but I have seen a change in something that has plagued me for many years. I have had lower back pain (right in the MIDDLE of my back where the spine about six inches tailbone) for as long as I can remember. I did not even tell Kevin about it until he was packing up to leave after working on me. I went on a college tour with Fabio yesterday afternoon, about four hours after seeing Kevin, (walking the entire campus) and there was no pain. I woke up at sixish in bed (the time where it normally hurts the worst everyday) and I had no pain. I cannot think of anything other than the word miraculous. I did not even tell Kevin about that ache until after he was completely done adjusting me so he did not concentrate on that area at all.

A couple of things he did find (and forgive me Kevin if I mis-interpret what you found but it will be close I think) is that one of my legs was an inch longer that the other one (he fixed that) and apparently there was something that led him to believe that I had had a severe knee injury in my past (turns out that belief was related to me losing most of my big toe when I was sixteen). One other major thing that he found was that my C1, C2 and C12 vertebrae were out of whack (he probably said something more professional but I am a layman and I am sure that is obvious). He has worked on thousand and thousand and thousand of people (he really is a big deal in the Chiropractic field - a trainer, mentor...) and he said in all of the people that he has seen he has only seen maybe ten people with that issue. I hope I am getting all of that correct because, as a novice, I felt like a lot was being thrown at me. So, hopefully, by him aligning me and adjusting me all of the messages can now get to my brain and I will no longer have seizures and stop passing-out and forgetting things. I still am MIDDLE-aged so the forgetting things may just be part of that journey. Thanks a lot Kevin and I will look forward to my next meeting and I am already excited about my legs being the same length and my back not aching.

Cha Cha and I had been waiting for a book to come in so we could start our new way of life. The book came in a couple of days ago and we started the new way of eating yesterday .It is a book called Whole30: The 30 Day Guide to Total Health and Food Freedom. Day one was easy. That is always the case isn't it.? We are both very committed and, changing life-styles is always easier when you do them with other people. I haven't started being a swinger yet because I cannot convince her to buy into that one. The Whole30 is just telling us to do what we know what we should be doing and not be doing. It just helps you make smarter choices. I must say that it is easier doing it with someone else. For dinner last night we had Chipotle but we ordered much differently than we normally would (no cheese, no sour cream...). I will not go through the whole program but I will let you know in 30 days if it is working. I may also complain about it here once in awhile. I can have all the fruit I want so I think that will be what gets me though this. It is like no other food regimen I have seen.

Last night Jill and I watched a movie that I saw in the theater way back when I was in college in Carbondale. I had been looking for it for a very long time since then..Jill had never seen it and I was afraid that I had built it up way too much. The movie is The Razor's Edge from 1984. Bill Murray liked the book so much that he told the studio that he would not be in Ghostbusters (1984) if they didn't let him make The Razor's Edge. Jill found it on Crackle. Crackle is similar to Netflix but it is free and, there is always a catch with "free," it has commercials every now and then. It is a period film that starts at the time of World War I. It is about the life journey of Larry Darrell (Murray). That is Bill since Brian-Doyle is in the movie too. The movie was based on a book from 1944 and I believe the film is a remake of a film from the 1940's or 1950's too. It sort of reminds me of a Gone With the Wind combined with Forest Gump. If you watch it and don't like it I blame you for trusting my opinion.

I wrote a note in the MIDDLE of the night. I wrote it in the dark and I think it says "Andy Kaufman changed." Maybe I am referring to when he was dying he was searching for things that could cure him. I am only basing my thought of this from the movie Man In The Moon starring Jim Carrey. I was a huge fan of Kaufman. I like people who are original and think outside of the box. I am also big on shock-and-awe comedy. People who know me well probably don't find that hard to believe. The movie was also directed by Milos Forman who has directed a couple of my other favorite films: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and Amadeus. Anyway, getting back to Kaufman, when he was diagnosed with lung cancer (having never smoked, drank alcohol or used drugs) he searched the world for cures - many unorthodox. I think we are meant to go when we reach our expiration date. His was May 16th in 1984 (31 years ago last week). It sure doesn't seem that long ago. I say I wouldn't try anything but, maybe if I we in terrible pain or discomfort I may change my mind. But I would probably forget to remember to forget.I don't think I would try a "psychic surgeon."

Time to hit the yard. Yesterday I spend about four hours cleaning the windows and screens on the house. I wasn't aware that it had gotten so sunny outside. I think we are going to work on the path on the side of the house today. I have been Tim "The Toolman" Taylor for about a month now in between my medical appointments and incidents. I am not sure if the house has even been so clean and organized. That being blogged, I have to get dressed to begin whatever project I need to get done today. I will begin with laundry (AGAIN). Have a great weekend. I will blog Monday even though it is Memorial Day. I wonder if I'll get holiday pay for Memorial Day? Not expecting it but it would be nice. Thanks for stopping-by. TTTMD (Memorial Day)...MITM (out) TA!

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