Saturday, December 24, 2011

Out on the Blog Arose Such a Clatter!!!!

Tonight is the night that Santa Claus will be here!!!! Millions of children around the world will lie in bed tonight and not be able to sleep because of the excitement of what tomorrow morning will bring. They will see red lights in the sky and know that it is Rudolph. Man, I miss those days. It seemed to stink at the time but, just like many things, we don't really appreciate some things until they're gone.

With Santa flying around the world tonight it made me start thinking about Superman for some reason. Why did Superman wear a cape? It didn't seem like he needed the cape to fly. He never seamed like the kind of guy who was into fashion statements. I know you shouldn't step on his cape but what else was it for if not for stepping on? Why did he wear a belt too? Who wears a belt with shorts and tights unless it is a crime fighter utility belt?

I am really tired but I have to stay awake until the new dryer arrives. The new washer won't be in until the 27th but I told them to bring the dryer today and then bring that when it comes in. The dryer is really the one we need anyway. I am getting tired of washing five loads of laundry here and then loading the wet clothes into baskets and taking them to the laundroMATT; wet clothes and towels are pretty heavy. I sure did see a lot of interesting people at the laundromat though.

I saw on the news that the most famous Bull of all time is still causing stampedes. The new Nike Air Jordans came out yesterday and people trampled over one another to get into stores to get the shoes. It was like another Black Friday. The new Jordans are a retro-version of the original Jordans from back in the day. I wish I had saved a pair or two of those shoes. People were fighting and there were pepper spray incidents again and even gunshots heard at one location. The shoes are $180 a pair. In 1985 the very first Air Jordans sold for $60 but they could soon be found for about $20. We really are a messed-up society. May Old Jordans Be Forgot And Never Brought To Mind!
Elf Alf and Ralph

I guess that's all I seem to be able to think of that I was going to blog about but since I rarely do a Saturday blog I guess it's more that I usually can think of to blog about. I am pretty tired so I am not thinking 100%. If I didn't have to wait for Alf and Ralph to arrive with the new dryer I would have my kerchief or my cap (I guess it's momma in her kerchief right?) on in the MIDDLE of a long winter's tap.

Have a great night with your family and a great Christmas morning. Thank you for being here with me on Christmas Eve. I will be recording the Dirty Laundry Podcast tomorrow just around the time you are carving your roast beast. I will have a very big surprise as a co-host since Cha Cha is out of town; it's a jolly man who will be stopping by at the end of his travels before he heads back to his home way up north. I cannot even believe a man who will travel so much before he gets here will have time to stop in to spend some time with me. TTTM (probably)..MITM (OUT on the lawn arising a clatter - TWSS). Merry Christmas/Happy Hanukkah/Joyous Kwanzaa!!! Namaste!

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