Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Short and Snotty!

It's Wednesday already and it's the first time I am blogging since Saturday.  I have been sick the last couple of days and we did the podcast Monday. I lost all of yesterday. I have been doing Nyquil  in the day and Dayquil at night because I am just the opposite of most people. I am editing the Dirty Laundry Podcast right now while I write this and the podcast should be up very soon today.

I have not been sick in the last three years and now I am very sick. I don't do the flu shots because that whole deal seems ridiculous to me for many reasons and it has worked for me. I will get better soon and it isn't bad enough to keep me from work so Kay Sarah Sarah!

I heard that the Chicago Cubs are now interested in Albert Pujols and Prince Fielder. Why would they not be interested in great hitters? Maybe because Pujols wants like S30 million per year for 25 years or something like that. I cannot imagine that the St. Louis Cardinals would let Pujols go and the talk on the Chicago talk-radio shows is that the Cubs may be just trying to drive the price for Pujols up for the Cardinals. Since the new Cubs manager is from the Milwaukee Brewers and Fielder is a Brewer Prince Fielder will become a Chicago Cub. I base this merely on a hunch but I am normally The Hunchmatt of All-things Lame so remember you read it here first!

I cannot stop coughing and sniffling...ARGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

I think I am going to wrap this up because it's not doing either of us any good and I have to get some sleep so I can get better and because I haven't slept since yesterday afternoon and I have to work again later.  I will attempt to do a proper blog tomorrow but I just wanted you to know that even though I am sick I am still alive...thanks for stopping in and for the concern I imagine you have )if I'm wrong don't tell me). TTTT...MITM (Nyquiling out)

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