Friday, November 18, 2011

The Blog Is Finally Outta the Red! (THE FRIDAY PRE BLACK FRIDAY BLOG)

I cannot believe I actually slept eight hours in a row. Maybe all of this time I thought I was a morning person I was actually supposed to be a night person and that was the problem all along? The fickle finger of fate may have figured out my problem for me. I will reserve judgment for awhile but that is my early hypothesis. I am really groggy and I didn't take any Benadryl or anything. I have read about this and I have seen it first hand many times but I don't think I have every experienced this grogginess from a personal stand-point.

Sorry I didn't blog yesterday but it turns out that it was a national blogging holiday. It was MADYM's birthday. I spend most of the time I would have blogged fixing Fabio's basketball hoop outside. It doesn't make sense to have a basketball player living in the house who cannot practice basketball in the driveway.

I heard that the Houston Astros are going to move from the  National League to the American League in 2013. If they were going to have to move somebody over the the American League eventually why did they ever move the Milwaukee Brewers to the American League in the first place? When they added the Colorado Rockies and the Florida Marlins (now the Miami Marlins) and the Tampa Bay Devil Rays (then the Devil Rays now just the Rays) and the Arizona Diamond backs and the Washington Nationals to major league baseball why didn't they think of all of this? They should come up with some kind of a baseball scorecard or something. I also heard that they are going to play inter-league baseball all season now so what the heck's the difference anyway? I know it's probably about equaling the leagues but we all know it's about money and creativity division rivalries like the Texas Rangers and the Houston Astros... My friends and I already have our next year's baseball trip scheduled and coincidentally it is to Texas to see a Rangers game and an Astros game. That adds a cool part to it I guess since it will be the last season that the Astros are in the NL. Texas in June - I cannot wait.

This Sunday is Thanksgiving. Don't worry Americans - yours is probably still next Thursday. Cha Cha has planned to have our families over this Sunday instead of on Thursday because she is going down to see Splenda at school for Thanksgiving. In addition to school Splenda has two retail jobs and as most of you know the day after Thanksgiving is BLACK FRIDAY (the dumbest thing ever known to mankind) so she has to work. I have to work on Thanksgiving and Fabio has a basketball tournament the two days after Thanksgiving so we cannot go. Again...there should be a scorecard. I am bummed that I don't get to see Splenda but it's part of the process of having your kids move away and only seeing them at holidays - HEY THIS IS A HOLIDAY!!!!
Coming to your town soon !!!!

I probably mentioned it here before but, even though I always say how stupid Black Friday is, I did partake in in one time. Fabio was young and it was the year that the scooters became crazy popular and you couldn't find them anywhere. I guess you probably could have found them in store's backrooms but they wanted to make sure people got sufficiently crazed for Black Friday so some people could get trampled to death fighting for a $50 DVD player. Anyway, we were down visiting Nature Girl and Richard Gazinya for Thanksgiving and I woke up the next morning and went to Walmart in the MIDDLE of a cornfield to race for a scooter - I wish I had the scooter ahead of time for the race. The doors opened about six hours before daylight but I got in and got a scooter. I was so happy to get there that I grabbed two. Why in the Helser did I need two? What was I imagining I would do with a second scooter? As I was walking away and all of the scooters were gone I saw a lady approaching with disappointment on her face and asked her and found out she was getting a scooter but they were all gone. I saved her Christmas by giving her a scooter. He son or daughter probably broke an arm riding that scooter and I could be a part of that Christmas miracle. I got totally wrapped up in something evil but I fought that demon and have never looked back. Now we can use the internet can't we? SAY NO TO BLACK FRIDAY. They pretend it's called Black Friday because of the black ink they can begin to use when they're "outta the red" but we know what the black really is - EVIL!

Have a great rest of your non-black Friday. A week from today is my famous Black Friday Blog. I don't really have a Black Friday Blog and there's very little famous about this blog but I just get caught up in the holiday greed hype. Maybe I will try to figure out a Black Friday Blog and post it at midnight or something now that I am a night person rather than a morning person ALLEGEDLY! Thanks for spending time with me again...TTT (maybe tomorrow)... MITM (out!)

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