Thursday, November 3, 2011

Murder and Mayhem!

What is the world coming to when Justin Bieber is getting more action than Kim Kardashian? Some 20 year old girl, Mariah Yeater is saying that she gave birth to Bieber's back-stage baby. The biggest crime, beides Bieber getting more brown chicken brown cow than me, is that if the baby is found to be Bieber's it's last name will be Yeater-Bieber! Maybe Skeeter Yeater-Bieber?

I am pretty tired having worked the overnight shift again last night. I am getting used to the weird work schedule and to the working nights. I really like the job that I cannot tell you anything about. Cha Cha has gone out with people while I have been working and it appears I have inadvertently generated some mystery and intrigue by not being able to say anything about my job. I would tell you about the job but the job information is on a need-to-know basis. Don't be upset...I haven't even told Justin Bieber or Kim Kardashian.

My fantasy football league is getting interesting. I am no longer undefeated. I have lost two games now and I am 6-2 though I am still in first place in my division. We have one of the biggest morons in fantasy football history in our league and he is trading all of his good players away. He is trading his best players for things like: a new set of false teeth, a dribble cup, a dunce cap, a padded cell... you get the drift. He still hasn't even paid his league entrance fee and I believe he owes over $200 to the league. It's really disappointing when one moron ruins a competitive league for everyone by not knowing that Walter Payton is dead so maybe you shouldn't be trading for him this season.

Speaking of weird names (Skeeter Bieber) did you hear that the Earth may be hit by or narrowly be missed by a meteor the size of an aircraft carrier within a week? I guess they are predicting November 8th so what is that Tuesday? The asteroid is called 2005 YU55. What the Hell kind of a name is that? I am less concerned that we may be hit by an asteroid than I am that it's called 2005 YU55. The reason that I am not too concerned about being destroyed by this asteroid is because we survived two Raptures recently as well as a space station that plummeted toward us a couple of months ago. We are indestructible and the sooner you accept that the better-off we'll be. We are impervious to anything short of moronic fantasy football trades - I may have still been thinking about something else there. does Justin Bieber get more back-stage action than me? That's Ludacris!
I can barely keep my eyes open so I think I am going to get some shut-eye. I have lots to do but it will have to wait a couple of hours. 

Have you seen that very annoying Coupon Suzie? She is pitching a website where you can print off coupons. I hope they have coupons for ink cartridges if you have to print lots of coupons - it's a Ponzi Coupon Scheme. I guess there is a new annoying coupon huckster in town and her name is Kate Gosselin. In case you don't know who Kate Gosselin is she is the woman who had eight of Justin Bieber's babies. I may have part of that wrong but she was on Dancing with the Loose Labia'd Stars a few seasons ago. I don't know how she did on the show but with her credentials I don't know how she would have lost unless that's the same season that Octopusmom was on the show. The shut-eye doesn't seem to be helping so maybe I should go get some while I am not writing a blog. 

I will blog again tomorrow morning and maybe I will write something ahead this time. I appreciate you stopping by. Have a great Thursday I believe it is. Just live the rest of your day asking yourself WWJD (What Would Justin (Bieber) Do and then come on over and meet me backstage. TTTT....MITM (zzzzzzzzzz)

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