Monday, November 21, 2011

Are you a Thunder Lips or a Clubber Lange?

Thanksgiving leftovers YUM!!!!
Hey, it's Monday. Whadda you know about that?

This is a short week for many of you  (the ones in America who work full-time "regular" jobs) as Thanksgiving is Thursday. Most companies also give their employees the day after Thanksgiving off because they're nice. If you work in retail I am guessing that you do not have Friday off even if they are nice because I am pretty sure Black Friday is ALL HANDS ON DECK! We had our Thanksgiving yesterday here as I have to work Thanksgiving and the day after (even though they seem nice so far but we are an ALL HANDS ON DECK business even though we aren't retail) and Cha Cha will be out of town. Cha Cha's brother and his family were over as well as my parents and Cha Ca's sister. It was a nice day and I have still been doing a lot of clean-up today. Cha Cha did most of the cooking. I had done the cooking for I think all of our previous Thanksgivings and Cha Cha wanted to do it this year. She did a great job. Don't be jealous but we already have the Thanksgiving left-overs that you will have later this week.
J. Edgar Hoover
Thanksgiving is kind of a weird holiday to me. What are we celebrating? That we like to overeat? That we could push natives from their land? I am proud to be an American most of the time and in a lot of ways but this holiday usually doesn't sit that well with me though that feeling may actually be gas from all of the aforementioned over-eating. Why did we decide that turkey was the meal of choice on Thanksgiving? Why not steak? My theory, that I just now concocted in my head, is that was a little reminder to the Native Americans not to mess with us. Cows don't have feathers!

Cha Cha and I went to see J. Edgar Saturday - the movie not the guy. We went and watched it and came home immediately without talking about the movie at all and talked about it on this week's Dirty Laundry Podcast which is up now. I want to tell you about it here but I want you to listen to the podcast more so if you want to know what we thought of the movie just click that link or download the podcast onto your ipod or just listen to it on your computer. It's tough to go see a movie with someone and ride all the way home without the usual "what'd you think" talk but we did it and there was not one word mentioned about the film at all until "the mic went hot."

When did Hell become the thing/place by which everything else is measured? I get the "hot as Hell" reference but what's with things like: "cool as Hell" or "cute as Hell" or "nice as Hell?" Hell must have one Hell of a public relations department. I'm just Hella curious.
Sorry - wrong Rocky!

I heard that there is a new musical heading to Broadway soon. It one the great love stories that we have all come to know and it's about time that it becomes a musical. Actually, Spider-Man makes much more sense as a Broadway musical than this one. It's the timeless loves story of Robert "Rocky" Balboa and Adrianna "Adrian" Pennino. That's right it's Rocky: The Musical. I cannot even imagine a Sylvester Stallone-type singing to a Carl Weathers-type all sweaty and half-naked. I have a pretty good imagination but it has it's limits. What's next? Jaws:The Musical? Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Musical? Westside Story: The Musical? U2 did the Spider-Man music who is gonna do the Rocky music? I think maybe Weird Al would be good? I would definately go to see a music about Rocky written by Weird Al. If you watch Southpark you have probably seen the episode about the Broadway musicals and if so I think Rocky: The Musical might be the exception to the rule. I don't know how I can say what the message was but it pretty much says that when a man takes a lady to see a musical she is very orally appreciative! Talk about Thunder Lips! Maybe with this musical the guys will have to provide the women with pedicures or something...why can't we all just want the same things? Life would be so much more convenient.

Alright, I am off to have a pre-Thanksgiving leftover dinner. I hope you have a Helluva Monnight. Make sure you keep some time on your calendar so we can go see Rocky: The Musical (wink, wink, nudge, nudge, know what I mean, say no more). Thanks a lot for stooping by and don't forget to listen to the podcast to listen to our J.Edgar review. we should have had Greg Weindorf with us though it was a last minute decision. TTTT...MITM (out for the count)
Send em off the way you know you should Roz II (listen to the words of the song and think Southpark LOL) 

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