Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Man, is it the crack of afternoon already? I don't know where this comes from but I think I have discovered that I feel guilty that I have to sleep. I know that is weird but I think it's true. Where in the Hell would something like that come from?

When will all of the political attack advertisements begin? I hate those so much. The Republican Party has already started some of the smearing because they cannot decide who their candidate will be yet. Right now, however, they are attacking each other. That is kind of silly since once they decide on one candidate to represent the party they will all have to pretend that they are behind him/her. I read that outside groups reported to the Federal election Commission that they spent $305 million in 2010 on attack ads. That doesn't even include everything becasue many of the ads don't count as political spending under federal rules. If they don't specifically urge a vote for or against a candidate and air more than 60 days before a general election the groups don't have to report those ads. Can you imagine what could be done for over $305 million dollars for a good cause? And we wonder why a lot of the world hates America.

I am boring myself so I think I am going to call this one quits. I am in some kind of a mood and I don't want it to infect you. It's not a bad mood but it's not a good mood. I don't know what it is but I think I would do better to wait and blog tomorrow. I promised I would blog today and I have fulfilled that promise halfheartedly. Thanks for letting me have the rest of the blog off - we'll both be better served by that.

Have a great rest of your day. Thanks for stopping in here - tomorrow will be a better blog; I promise. How could it not be. TTTT...MITM

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