Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Weekend Blog of the Century!!!!

It's Saturday morning at 2:27AM I promised you that I was going to write this blog Friday and even though I missed that by a mere two hours and 27 minutes I apologize for my miscalculations in both time and the ability to handle my obstacles of: work, lack of sleep, high school basketball tournament, wife out of town and it being Black Friday. I am, however, writing this on paper win an Inc. Trio3 pen rather on a keyboard to try to make amends (I am obviously retyping it write now because my printing, though very neat, is not quite this neat).

I guess the Black Friday thing worked nicely for Fabio's basketball team. Their school colors are black and orange and they won all three games they played yesterday to start their freshman basketball experiences off with a 3-0 record. They have two more games this morning so thank goodness it's Orange Saturday!Some call it Small Business Saturday but I know it's really Orange Saturday.

The last game of the day yesterday Fabio's team played our cross cornfield rivals the Sycamore Spartans - like a Spartan would ever have a chance against a Barb! Anywho... I was very proud in so many ways to watch that last game. Firstly, even though the boys from both teams played very hard, there was no dirty play. Actually that should have been "firstly" since I thought of something that I noticed before the aforementioned "firstly." while the boys were doing their pre-game warm-ups I saw that Sycamore has a boy on their team, #51, who apparently to me had Downs Syndrome. I don't know if it is Downs Syndrome but it was a look that I have known to associate with Downs syndrome (I hope that doesn't sound insensitive but you know me well enough to know that I am not a stereo-typer nor prejudice in any way nor mean-spirited nor mean-hearted). I was very impressed by Sycamore for their choice of players on their team. The game commenced and before long DeKalb had over doubled the score of Sycamore. This is usually the time, near the end of these games, where coaches put in players that don't usually get much playing time which is what Sycamore did.  As the subs ran onto the court their players "matched-up" with our players. #51 went right for good old #10 (#10 in your programs but #1 in your hearts) Fabio. It was clearly a man-to-man mismatch as #51 was about 5'5' tall and Fabio is about 5' 11 3/4" tall. There was a stop in the action and Fabio's coach called him over and quietly said something to him. The game concluded shortly thereafter with very little, if any, further scoring. After the game, on the way home, I asked the Fabio, "did the coach tell you to let the boy you were matched up score?" Fabio told me that he was told to let #51 get the ball if it came that way but that he was going to do that anyway. I was pretty sure that was going to be the answer as I know that to be true of Fabio's nature. I am very proud of both of our children not merely because of their athletic and scholastic achievements but more for their generosity and kindness and compassion and awareness and selflessness at times when it counts. Many things will fade over years but a person's character doesn't fade. I was also very proud of Fabio's young basketball coach for helping to help cement these actions.

Remember a few blogs ago how I wrote "why an I here?" I think I have figured it out and I am reminded over and over again when I see Fabio and Splenda grow into people I am proud to know even more so when I hope that I may have had a small part in that miracle and in a very small way making the world a better place to live.

Here is a video clip that I took of Black Friday shopping lines at Wal-Mart and Best Buy.

I saw an advertisement for Carson's (Carson's is a department store for you not familiar) that had "sports throws" for sale for $19.97. The photo shows these kind of picnic blankets of two sports teams and I am trying to figure out the thought-process in the advertisement. The teams pictured are the Milwaukee Brewers (perfectly good choice though I would have gone with the Cardinals, of course) and the Penn State Nittany Lions (I am not kidding). I think this scandal may have just stretched itself to Carson's.

While we're on shopping and such what's the deal with manufacturers' rebates? It is probably very apparent to some of you but why, if I am going to get $100 back after I send in a coupon along with a copy of my receipt and whatever other volumes of stuff that they need, can't the store just take the $100 off the item and send for the rebate? I am sure that it is to do with something like getting my information to sell to someone else so i get a bunch of junk emails and snail mail. Or is it that they hope that I will never send it in and then it's my fault I didn't get the $100 back? I call shenanigans!

When is Lady Ga Ga's 20 minutes gonna be up? Soon I hope.

I read that there is an above average snowfall predicted for the MIDDLEwest this winter. Based on the prediction I hope last year had WAY ABOVE snowfall so that by comparison this winter's snowfall will see low even though its' above average on a whole.

I know this blog is longer than usual (TWSS) but it is a Friday/Saturday combo platter. Thanks a lot for stopping by. I am now off to get ready for a few more freshman basketball games this morning and then back here to go to bed (I just got home from work again jiggity-jig). Have a great weekend and we will probably be recording the Dirty Laundry Podcast later tonight (I play on talking about a lot of these things here more on there - in greater detail). TTT?...MITM (dragging along) TA!

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