Monday, November 14, 2011

Why Are You Reading This?

I am in one of those "why are we here?" modes right now. I don't know if it's from the last two Dirty Laundry Podcasts where we talked about past-lives and the possibilities of why we are here or what. I know many of the theories of why we are here but really - why are we here? Why are we even necessary? These are questions that have been asked since the beginning of time and will be asked until the end of time so maybe we're just here to try to figure out why we're here. If that is my main goal I do so many things that get in the way of finding that answer. Or, is me trying to find the answer actually THE answer? Also, are we all here for the same purpose? I don't want to belabor the issue but just know that's what's going if this blog wanders more than usual.

Over the last three days I only got a combined eight hours of sleep so sleep isn't my purpose. It wasn't for any particular reason - I just didn't sleep and I wasn't tired. Maybe it's the transition period from becoming an early morning person to a late-night person reaching the zenith and turning the corner.

I am sure you know what yesterday was. Remember it was November 13th! If I ever get asked to leave I hope it is on November 13th. If that's the case I have at least another 364 days.

My purpose today is: to do laundry (the real kind not the podcasting kind), go grocery shopping for the few things we forgot while shopping yesterday, to shower, to shave (it's been four days so I have a beard already), to clean the kitchen, to make dinner and to go to work. I guess I found my purpose. That just came to me (no pun intended) as I was typing that. I cannot believe I had forgotten that. Even though that movie is generally considered a bad movie my many it's one of my favorites.

I have come up with the title of my autobiography and thought I would put it here so I can stop somebody if they try use it before I do. But, maybe by me writing it here ,someone WILL use it even though they had never thought of it before? I guess I'll chance it since, most likely, there won't be much of a reason for me to write an autobiography and this will give me a chance to sue somebody famous maybe which would become a great chapter in my autobiography that I will never write. INTERLOPER!!!! I think it's perfect and it also pretty much expresses my purpose in life. Nevermind...when I searched I found that there is a Marvel comic book character called The Interloper so that's out!

The washer just stopped so I have to go start another load and get to the store... Thanks for letting me interlope your day for a little bit. You know how I appreciate you coming here without threat of harm. Have a great rest of your Monday and I will continue on my quest for my "special purpose." TTTT...MITM (out to find his porpoise and knowing that someday I will return to you).
Leave with a good one Roz-Jamie

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