Wednesday, March 18, 2015

P.S. My DVR is Trying To Kill Me!

It was a bit warmer and he didn't even have his coat on at night
This week seems like it has been eleventeen days long; I have been dealing with something that resembles a cold. The weather has been coming in like a lion and going out like a mouse and then going back out like a lion and in like a mouse and then turning into a mouse with a lion's body and then an inside-out lion sprinkled with mouse droppings... In summation, the weather, though much better than a month ago, still kind of stinks and I am blaming it for me teetering between illness and wellness.

I am very happy that the deer are out from hibernation or whatever they were doing as I do not believe deer hibernate. I think they just sleep longer and stay closer to their homes because food is not as plentiful in these bad winters and they have to conserve their energies because of this. Anyway, the other night I saw an animal that I have not seen around here. I saw an otter crossing the street. I think he crossed to get to the other side just as a chicken might. I may not have thought he was an otter but he had that otter wiggle that they have. Also, he looked just like an otter.

I am so delighted that tonight is my Friday. I think I may mucho take it easy and try to feel better after tonight. If that were a thing I could bet on it in  Las Vegas I would fly out and bet everything I had on me not doing that though. And, by flying out to Vegas, I would win the bet because flying out and being in Vegas would mean that I was already not doing that.
He even thinks he is a Chihuahua when he drinks 

A couple of days ago I wrote about how I was going to put some sand down the fence line where the swale drains the rain water and such to the storm drain where is eventually works it's way (via the storm sewers) to the retention pond at the front of our subdivision which leads to the creek and works it's way to the Kishwaukee River and then to a larger river and then to the Mississippi River and then down to the Gulf of Mexico where it spills into the ocean and then evaporates and then rains back here again later. See, I am just wasting my time. So, I got the fabric and 15 bags of sand two days ago and it was not enough. Yesterday, I got another 15 bags of sand and filled-in all of the bare-ish spots of mud and mush. Turns out that it works great so far. Jeff is coming in the house 100% mud free. The fence is a bit from the house so he shakes off all of the sand during his walk back to the house before he gets inside and we are 100% carpet free on the main level of the house so sand could be easily swept-up if he did bring some hitchhikers along. I am concerned that, if and when we get a heavy rain, a lot of the sand will make it's way to the Gulf of Mexico too. I always wondered where those sandy beaches came from and I never 100% believed that sand was crushed shells and stuff. It is from morons like me sending it down the Kishwaukee River postage paid. So, $150 and my back killing me later, we are at least mud-free for now. Jeff even likes lying in the sand because I think it is warm though I am getting tired of picking up his empty margarita glasses - I need to get him that opposable thumb transplant that he has been asking for. Seriously? "Opposable" is not a word either Spell-Check? I think you just think that because you have OPPOSABLE thumb envy! I may move the Adirondack chairs over there to the sand for Jeff.

I have been watching The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst on HBO. It is weird because I am on part six (the final part) and, while I am half-way through that series I heard he got arrested for murder. The series is about an extremely rich dude who thinks he can do whatever he wants to do. and he has been suspected and investigated for several murders over the years but he comes out fairly unscathed. There is a scene (and they had the security camera footage) where he stole a sandwich from a store just because he wanted to. He reminds me of several people that I have worked for in the past in that he doesn't care about anybody and he thinks he can do anything and get away with it because so many people let him. He is a little weasly guy that has a nervous tick or twitch (I believe if they studied that alone they would find a pattern) with eyes that are so dark that it looks like he has only whites and pupils (maybe because he is a rotten egg). I have no question that he has killed people just for the very reason that he stole that hoagie - because he could get away with it and he has so much money that he has to do stuff like that to get his thrills because the things that money can buy don;t do it for him. Anyway, it is a good show if you are into weirdos (and you read this blog so you have demonstrated a pattern) and the human psyche as I am. That probably comes from me hanging around the freak shows at the Illinois State Fair when we would go down there every year to perform with the Fox Valley Raiders.

I have to get dressed and get some other things done around here so I can spend my weekend starting tomorrow hanging with Jeff over by the 16" X 40' stretch of sand on our border. If you feel like dipping your toes in the sand come on over. Jeff and I are always looking for company. Thanks for stopping by; I always appreciate you. Maybe I will even blog from our beach tomorrow. TTTT...MITH (out) TA!

P.S. I think my DVR is recording things on its own to screw with me. Roseanne? Will & Grace? I am old and senile DVR - don;t make me investigate and prosecute JUST STOP IT!!!!!

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