Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Life is Full of Exits - My New Matto?

I was not prepared to blog today so I have no idea where this is headed today. My guess it will be a short trip though. I begin work tonight at 2000 rather that the usual 2200 so I that is another reason to shorten this today; I have to get a few winks before work. Happily, it is my weekend beginning in 13 hours. Splenda heads back to school tomorrow so that is the unhappily part. I did get to spend a little time with her. Cha Cha took off work today so they are shopping in Geneva now. I should probably be worried because they took the new Jeep rather than the Fiat. I am assuming that it is because the Jeep holds a lot more stuff. The Fiat is a convertible though so it has unlimited refills.

Since our ladies are shopping Fabio and I did a very guy thing - we went to B-Dubs (Buffalo Wild Wings) for lunch. I love their Buffalitos.

I still have not checked those ten Power Ball tickets magneted to the refrigerator. I am not a loser until I check them. On the flip-side, I am not a winner until I check them either. I have not heard any reports on the radio that there is a big winner in Illinois though. I have not heard any lottery news actually.

I have decided to try to come up with a slogan to live by. Shouldn't we all have a credo? I think the word "credo" implies a religious belief and I am not a religious person in the Biblical sense. I think the word "religious" doesn't necessarily have to do with The Holy Bible though. "Religious" can just mean something that one does routinely. It probably just has to do with repetition. If you do something religiously you do it over-and-over.  I am leaning toward "life is full of exits." I don't know why but that sounds good to me. I think it would look great on a tombstone. I am big on irony and it seems like it would be pretty ironic on a tombstone.

It is almost 1600 now and I have to wake-up for work in three hours but I am not even asleep yet. That would be quite a feat. I think I am gonna blog this a wrap so I can be able to comprehend and retain my training tonight. I guess I am already living my new matto (motto) "life is full of exits" by exiting the blog. Do you think ZzzQuil would be a bad idea if I am only able to sleep for three hours? I would probably be better-off not getting any sleep at all rather than being groggy.

Thank you for stopping by. I am sorry this is so hasty. I promised that I would blog today and I try to keep most promises so that when I have to break one people know that I must have a good reason. Don't you know people who break promises all the time so you never believe a word they say? I used to work for several of those people - many of them all at the same time. Not to mention the fact that when you are forced to tell a little white lie you are able to sell it easier if you don't fib all the time. I will blog again tomorrow unless I am able to spend a little more time with Splenda before she gets out of Dodge. See, that was a disclaimer that gives me a little latitude if I am unable to blog - life is so convoluted and confusing sometimes. TTTT (81%)...MITM (out) TA!

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