Friday, March 27, 2015

Matts Are Great Survivors

We are great survivors!
It is 0418 and I think I slept through the entire night (2200ish - 0400) without incident. I have been on a regular human schedule (sleeping nights and being awake during the days) since Monday. I am even more convinced that my issues are related to me not being a nocturnal creature. When I sleep like a human has been conditioned to sleep (when the sun is down) it appears that I am more mentally healthy. Granted, this is just my own independent study and I have about five studies scheduled to either prove or debunk my (Cha Cha's theory) but the evidence is pointing that way. This morning I go and pick-up my event monitor. I am not really sure what that entails but it sounds like something I have to wear for a couple of weeks to see if I am having spells or my heart is beating irregularly... I suppose I will know better at about 0945 when I get to my appointment. Then I see the neurologist on Wednesday (April Fool's Day) and I have the sleep study next Friday (April 3rd). Then I have to see my primary physician again on April 22nd. I bet, after all of these tests and things, that appointment will be moved-up or there will be at least one more added in there. So, tonight I have one more night of regular night sleep and then I switch back to day-time sleep and night-time wake.

I do have some slight fluttering in my chest but I am not concerned about that for some reason. My main concern is that when I return back to the night time up and the day time down tomorrow night I will slip back to where I was. Part of testing theories is jumping in and seeing what happens and that is what tomorrow will bring I think. I fear that I have a slight feeling of mellon collie but I am not sure. Hah, we should have named Jeff Mellon (since he is a Collie) - that would have been funny.

I still do feel a bit tired this morning. I wish I could have a sleep study done to see what that is all about. Maybe, before modern medicine, this is where my body was supposed to have given out and this is where the technology and medical advancements take us past where we we supposed to be done. Just think about where the life expectancy was when out great-great-great grandparents died
Feeling a bit Mellon Collie today
Jill had to reschedule her doctor's appointments from this past Thursday and Friday to take care of me. I was supposed to drive her into Chicago for a follow-up from her medical fun in November and December, We should open our own clinic. I am not sure when, or even if yet, she has rescheduled her follow-ups. I would say that this blog has become more of a medical blog than anything else since November.

I can sleep for another hour here and I think I will try. All of this blogging has worn me out. Be back in what will seem like seconds...

It is now 0558 and I did not sleep at all. I should have just kept blogging. When I could not sleep I turned on the television (as I was not going to sleep anyway) and I watched Private Parts (the Howard Stern movie). I have seen it many times but I have always liked the movie. I also was reminded, by channel surfing, that this is the free Starz weekend. It started last last night and is supposed to go until Sunday night. It sounds like most of the major satellite and cable services are part of the free weekend - check your channels. I know they do this to adjust and update their equipment so they have to open things up. They pretend that they are doing it for us to try to get us to see their wares and get us to preview and maybe add their services but they are, like smart business people do, just trying to make lemonade out of lemons. Bottom line, scroll thorough the weekend programming and set your DVR so you have plenty to watch on the days when television offers crap (most of the time).

I catch myself singing, what many people might think an offensive song, to myself quite a bit. It always seems to cheer me up. I mostly recite it and use it as my mantra when I am angry or perturbed. I am going to add a link here but please do not click the link if you are against foul language or are easily offended. It is not gender or racially biased or prejudice in any way (because I am not that way and I would not sing a song, even in my head, like that) it is just naughty words with a few drug references that are legal in many states now. Naughty Song Link Here!

There is one part of my ailment that I still have not discussed on here. It is not a symptom or anything, rather a limitation. Hopefully a temporary one and nothing devastating or anything to be concerned about. Even it it not temporary it would not be terrible - just a bit habit changing, No, I am not going to become a nun). I will probably talk about it here on Sunday (if I blog on Sunday as I usually do not) or Monday.

I am gonna wrap-up and get ready for my journey to the big city of Aurora to get my event monitor. That sounds so exciting doesn't it? I am tired now - I wish this was the sleep study day. Have a great Friday and Frinight. Thank you for stopping by. I am fairly certain I will blog tomorrow. TTTT...MITM (out) TA!

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