Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Afraid To Be Happy?

I am really glad this is my Friday but I don't know why that makes me glad. I think society has just conditioned me to think the last day before my weekends and my weekends themselves are better than the other parts of the week. I like my job so I cannot figure out why I like the weekend so much more. I am going to stop thinking that way and, if I do, I bet that I will be much happier. I am also going to try to rearrange my sleeping so I can spend more waking time with Cha Cha.

I didn't blog yesterday because I was running people here and running them there. Fabio had to get a new sports physical for school as his old one had expired or whatever it is that requires people to get new ones. I imagine the insurance companies and medical industry have convinced schools that they have to get these renewed every so often. How else do you get healthy people to part with their health care money too? Incidentally, Fabio is very tall and very healthy. Thank goodness we HAD TO have that officially told to us.

I have been very crabby over the past couple of weeks. I think it is just this never-ending winter. I hope that is all that it is. I have always been a moody mofo so it is not that unusual. It is part of my psyche that I don't care for very much. My moodiness also makes me a person who cares for others so much I suppose. Supposedly for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction; I guess the crabbiness is the opposite of my true nature huh? Or vise versa.

I am going through my little notebook to see what I have written in there to blog about that I did not blog about. I should use the notes every day but many times things pop into my mind that seem more important and interesting so the notebooks just continue to fill-up. I will write some of them now so I can tear out some pages and I will expound as to what I think they were about:
Working up a sweat. Call it a work-out for your fingers

"Turn signals could not be any easier to use." - It is exasperating that people cannot use their left pinkie (maybe their right one in counties that drive on the opposite side of the road from U.S. and A.) to flick down that little lever on the side of the steering wheel. It is rude not to signal. Granted sometimes it does not effect others but, when it does, use the turn signal. I know I break rules occasionally but I am different.

I will be right back - the washer and dryer are beckoning me with their various tones. I have to juggle the clothes from one to the other.It was just the washing machine - the dryer is still doing its business so I cannot juggle quite yet.

I guess that was all there was in this notebook. One thing I had not used and 13 pages ripped out of the book. My notebook is half as thick as it was a few moments ago. I am even a note hoarder.

I have not worked-out in a week and I have not been as careful as I was being with my eating for the last three days or so. I did go to Smash Burger with Fabio after his physical yesterday and had a salad so, I suppose, I am still doing good for the most part. I have not lost any more weight but I have kept the weight off that I did lose. I need to get back in the saddle (not the feedbag) again.

I think I am going to take some classes (at least one) in the Spring; we should never stop learning new things. I am in a situation where I can take classes with no, or very little, cost to me. I should have been doing this all along for the last three years I guess. I am kind of excited about it. I have been looking a gift horse in the mouth in a way. That is just plain rude.

The backward hat & the skateboard will be my camouflage 
Cha Cha has been extremely busy at work. The project that she has been working on for a few weeks should be done by the end of the day Friday. She has worked about 16 hours a day lately. She is a remarkable person.

I have to get some things done here before I think about sleeping before work. Hey, I work an hour less on Saturday night because Daylight Savings starts. I get off early but I get paid an hour less too. I am sure I will eventually go-off on how stupid the Daylight Savings thing is again in a few days. I do that twice a year when we Spring ahead and Fall back. Have a great night - that is my plan too. Thank you for stopping-by. I think I will blog again tomorrow. If I don't I will apologize about it on Friday. It is better to ask for forgiveness than request permission right? TTTT (about 82%)...MITM out! TA!

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