Monday, February 3, 2014

Don't Be a Swanson!

I cannot believe I gave up my pre-work sleep last night to watch that stupid game. I didn't care about either team. I had no bets on the game. I am one of the millions of moron that bought (pun intended) into all of the hype. I paid for it last night at work; I was tired most of the shift. I am still tired now but, I don't have to work for over seven hours; I will try to sleep three or hour of those.

We have not recorded the new podcast yet. Cha Cha is really sick. I had the cold and shared it with her and Fabio. I still am having some residual symptoms but, I am functioning at about 75%. My 75% is like most peoples' 40% though, so... I don't know if you remember way back when we recorded the show and I was really sick? We got so many comments and messages about how everybody felt so bad that I don't want to put you all through that pity-party again. On another podcast note - I just learned from my Portuguese Gal-pal Jennifer St. Martin, that our dog's name (Jeff Swanson) means something different here than it does there. You remember Jen from Loads 34 and 35 of Dirty Laundry Podcast. In case you missed that/those episodes or, you are a newer fan, you can click these red links for Dirty Laundry Load # 34 with Jen and here for Dirty Laundry Load  #35. It's weird to know that our next show will be load #142. You will hear how much the show has changed since 107 shows ago. I think it is better now. I challenge you to find many people nicer than Jen St. Martin.

I cannot believe Philip Seymour Hoffman (PSH) died; I loved his work. He was great in so many roles. Some of my favorites were/are roles in: Patch Adams, Moneyball, Doubt, Capote, The Talented Mr. Ripley, Red Dragon, Boogie Nights, The Big Lebowski, Cold Mountain... A few of those are among the long list of my favorite movies of all time. He seemed like a really nice guy to me too. I was disappointed to hear that he supposedly died with a heroin needle still in his arm. And, 50 bags of heroin? Being a movie star must pay well. You cannot believe all of the things you hear about celebrity deaths though. Jayne Mansfield didn't lose her head and I am not sure Elvis really died on the throne. And Jim Morrison and Michael Jackson are still alive. I have never done any non-prescription drugs (I know - what a moron) unless maybe using one of someone else's prescription (someone from my same household - not stolen or bought on the black market) when I felt like I was on my deathbed counts. I do have some codeine that I got for a kidney stone and never used but, that is in my name. I don't know if that is wrong but, I know that I will use those one day (actually about 30 different days, more likely) when I am in great pain or need to sleep for more than four hours at a time. Maybe that is a great thing about keeping the podcast on such a small scale - there is less pressure just to keep people entertained as a hobby.
I loved Capote (man and film) & Hoffman. Is it wrong?

PSH and I are/were about the same height (5'9"); that's 1.77 meters for you in Portugal. They are gonna need someone to take over those Hunger Games roles coming up though, at this point there is talks that they won't replace him. They say that now but, mark my blog, they will have to replace him to stay true to the books. Who are they gonna use? Jack Black? Jonah Hill? Seth Rogan? I could dye my hair blond. I am pretty sure I could easily step into the footsteps of an Academy Award winning actor. I would like to work with Woody Harrelson and Elizabeth Banks. Do you think they'd be on the podcast if I worked with them? I bet the podcast would get to be more popular overnight once they announce that I will be in The Hunger Games movies. I do not mean to trivialize his death. I just have a different take on death than most. It's part of life and it seems hypocritical to speak differently about dead people that it does when they are alive. If you think I am a jerk and, many people do, go ahead and call me a jerk the day I die. I promise not to haunt you. But, then again, maybe a jerk would be lying about that and haunt you anyway.

Dinner is done and I have T-minus 30 minute until I am gonna try to sleep without codeine. Probably don't want to go to work, my line of work especially, on codeine. I don't think I said much today but I said it anyway. Maybe politics are in my future? Thanks a lot for stopping-by. I will let you know when we finally are all well enough to record the podcast. In the meantime, I will continue to blog. Have a great night and try not to be a Swanson. TTTT...MITM (hoping to sleep) TA!

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