Thursday, February 20, 2014

A Belly-Acher of a Blog!

This is my 981st blog. Matt In The Middle #1000 should happen just about the time that Spring comes in like a like a wet, slightly frozen, zombie worm or penis fish (yes, they both exist). I will not be offended if you Google them. You'd think that I'd have something interesting to say by now wouldn't you? Mark Twain once said, "it is better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are a fool than to blog and remove all doubt" or something like that. Who knew he was so forward-thinking that he predicted blogs? Sam Clemens is one of my favorite, if not THE favorite, characters in all of history. You would have thought that I would have taken his advise.

Last night was quite a crazy night at work. I believe I saw at least three seasons occur. There was: snow and rain and frozen rain and rainy snow and snow fro and fro snow and lightning and thunder and thunder snow and snowy lightning and then streets flooded. By the time I headed home most of it had stopped other than the flooding part. The first thing I did when I got home was head down to the basement to make sure there was no moisture. Thankfully, everything checked-out. A couple of years ago I replaced our sump pump with a very high efficiency pump that could probably pump-out Lake Michigan so, I wasn't too worried. I used to work in the basement business and I saw many things that made me very anal about basement dryness. A wet basement is like wet feet; once they are wet it's crisis time for the rest of the entire entity.

I am in a pretty good place mentally right now. My weekend has begun - always a great thing and I am going to get to see Splenda in a couple of weeks. The weather is where I like it too. I have been a huge fan of storms my entire life; I am not sure what that one is about. I don't mind driving in storms, I like golfing in the rain, I don't mind being outside in storms... I hope to die like they died in The Perfect Storm. I think I may have talked here about the time that Cha Cha and I were in Key West. One of my happiest moments was when it was pouring outside and we sat at the open-air bar right on the pier in the Conch Republic Seafood Company and drank margaritas and ate conch fritters for a couple of hours. Maybe I equate storms with margaritas and coch fritter now huh? Cha Cha's dad and I used to sit on the back deck of their house and watch storms come in across the corn fields. There would be tornado warnings and vicious weather all around us and we'd just sit there and watch. He had been a farmer most of his life so, of course, he had a great appreciation for nature and weather. It drove Cha Cha's mom nuts because she, like most people, did not like tornadoes; I think she may have thought of me as a tornado (I take that as a compliment). Some of the time I am forced to work in pouring-down rain or worse and most of my co-workers belly-ache (I need to try to bring that saying back again) about it. Rain-on Mother Nature and stay humming sump pump.

You know that voice in your head that translates your thought to you? I am trying to figure out if mine has the same sounding voice than the one that comes from my vocal chords or it has it's own voice. I cannot decide. I am going to try to give it a sexy woman voice.

The other day Jeff was out in the backyard. I installed a series of lines that we clip him to so he can run around the back yard. We will probably be fencing in the backyard in the Spring. The yard is over half fenced in already so, it wouldn't be that big of a deal. We fenced in part of it a couple of years ago when the people next door put in a pool near our property line without fencing it in. Good money spent because, now they are divorced and the house has sat empty for about two years. It's a semi-above-ground pool that, in my opinion looks like crap. Not super selling points. Anyway, getting back to what I started talking about (sorry, Sam Clemens). I called Jeff and he was not coming in so, I stepped outside and made a snowball and threw it at him to get his attention. As it was flying in his direction he turned and caught it in his mouth. Kind of like an F-U! I laughed and then made another snowball and hurled it and he did the same thing. Then he turned and faced me like "bring it on fat boy!" I ended up making big ones and throwing them, small ones and throwing them, tight ones, loose ones... I threw them and he caught every one in his mouth with snow exploding all over his face. I called Fabio out to see it and then we were both firing snowballs at this phenom. He'd then just get ready for the next one. He loved it! When the snow turns from ice back into snow again I am going to video it so I can show you.
Jeff's a baller - a snow baller!

This is getting long and I was going to clean the refrigerator out today (garbage night) so I had better wrap this one up. Thanks a lot for reading my wordy paragraphs. I usually try to keep them shorter but, I am excited about the weekend; Everybody's Bloggin' For The Weekend! I think Cha Cha and I may go out tonight. The real-life Thirsty Thursday seems to be our date night these days. If you're looking to hang-out with a couple of world-wide podcast sensations hit me up and I'll let you know where we are headed (still undetermined at this time). Have a great night. I will probably blog tomorrow because it seems I am in a wordy mode right now. TTTT...MITM (done, finally) TA!

I almost forgot - be sure to listen to the new load of Dirty Laundry Podcast! Double TA!

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