Sunday, February 23, 2014

Jack Benny, You Are Going Down!

I sure wish HBO would stop playing the movie 42. I saw it in the theater, I own the DVD so, why do I want them to stop showing this movie? Because every time I see that it is on I watch it again. As you may have guessed, as I write the blog, 42 is on in front of me. I suppose they are playing it a lot because it's Black History Month and, it seems like it is on more than it is because we have eight HBO channels; I wonder if I would like it as much on HBO Latino? I guarantee I could still tell EXACTLY what they were saying. I abhor prejudice and racism and this was one of the great defining moments in the black struggle. I know people like Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Jesus, Medger Evers, Rosa Parks, the Freedom Riders, the young people who were brave enough to enter college in Birmingham the year I was born and hundreds and hundreds more that we will never know the names of... were huge but Jackie Robinson was just as large a part in the waking-up of Americans as anyone. Maybe more so since baseball has always been called "America's pastime."

I am eating some Smart Ones loaded potato soup because I am getting too fat again. I love food and it shows. I read the box for the ingredients before I cooked it but I guess I should have been wearing my glasses. There are tiny bits of bacon or ham or some other part of the pig in this soup. They are as small as the tip of a pencil lead but they are there. I don't eat pork or beef... I guess today I do. It's not a religious thing or an allergy thing so, it's not the end of the world but, this soup is good and this will be my last one. My last souper LOL. I know what you may be thinking... "it's good because it has pig in it." It would have been just as good with chicken in it I think. Or, no meat at all. I should have just stopped at the steamed broccoli I guess.
We're coming for you Benny!

Dirty Laundry Podcast went up another nine spots in the Comedy category. That puts us at #36 in Comedy. 132 more downloads yesterday: 20 in the USA, 1 in The Netherlands, 4 in the UK, 2 in Thailand and another 105 from the unlikely country that we talked about on this week's show. That is 299 downloads from this one country in the past three days. I am obsessed in knowing why we are so popular in this country all of a sudden. I cannot wait until tomorrow to see today's numbers; I just uploaded the show yesterday and the second day has always been the day where we get the most action. I am like a kid on Christmas Eve and, if you read the blog regularly, you know how much I like to wait to open my Christmas gifts. I just looked at some of the 31 flavors ahead of us and one is The Jack Benny Show podcast (at #2). I have mixed feelings about that one. Firstly, it's Jack Benny  so, that's cool but secondly, we are losing to a dude that has been dead since I was ten-years-old. We are gonna take you down Jack Benny. And then Rochester is gonna come work with us. I never, ever, ever thought I would say that I was competing against Jack Benny. Okay, maybe I am obsessing over this but that's what I do.

Why is George Lopez getting another series (Saint George)? It looks the same as The George Lopez show only he has a different family and a different job. Some of his stuff was funny when he did stand-up but, he grew old kinda quickly. I will not be watching this show. At least he isn't ahead of us in the podcast world.

I am tired of seeing photos on Facebook of Girl Scouts selling cookies outside of medical marijuana shops. I get it already. Where are the Cub Scouts and their popcorn? I would recommend the pre-popped corn in those tin cans. Those cans would come in handy for the customers' stashes too. Cookie boxes just destroy the planet.

I am running out of steam so I will end it here. I will try to write again tomorrow (your Monday, most likely). If you get in a funk listen to the show before we get to number one so you can say, "I listened to them when they couldn't even beat a dead violin-playing comedian." I like Jack Benny. Have a great rest of your weekend and the beginning of tomorrow. Thanks a lot for listening and reading. TTTT (sometime)... MITM (out) TA!

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