Wednesday, February 19, 2014

It's a Blog About Nothing!

I may be that last one on Earth to figure this out
I just saw a posting that stated something about the fact that "stressed" spelled backwards is "desserts." I will wait a moment before I go on so you can verify that is true..... That explains a lot.

I am finally editing the new Load of Dirty Laundry Podcast. I put the link in red, white and blue because it is unpatriotic not to listen to the podcast. I think red, white & blue are the colors of most flags in the world aren't they? England, USA, Australia...those are some of this biggies anyway so, I will say that I am correct. I am finding it difficult to write a blog and editing a podcast simultaneously. I know Howard Stern couldn't do it. And he calls himself The King of All Media!

Now it is tomorrow - you know what I mean and, the podcast has been up since yesterday and the blog is just now up. I am very forward-thinking because, as I type this, it is not up but, as you read this, it is up. Turns out that it was a bit more tricky than I had surmised. I apologize to Howard Stern for any shadow I may have cast on his abilities to multi-task. He has people though - I need people!

It appears that conjunctivitis has reared her ugly head in this house. I am not the victim and I do not intend to become Pink in the Middle. I am going to try to keep my distance and stay away from all pink things. I would say that pink is among my favorite colors but, in this case, I will have to fight the urge to embrace the pink. Full-disclosure = I like Alecia Beth Moore a lot too. I think the conjunctivitis may just be a conspiracy to not have to take the garbage out tomorrow.

There are so many things going on at work but, I cannot talk about hardly any of them. I sort of know now how it must be to be Bruce Wayne and be at a party and not be able to talk about the things that actually occupy most of your waking time. I am not saying that Mattman and Batman are that similar but, I am not saying that we are that dissimilar either. Though I always thought that Tony Stark being so open about being Iron Man was stupid, I understand why he would do that. It must be so liberating to talk about all of that life-saving stuff so openly rather than having to keep it all to himself.

As I have been predicting for months, we now have a great chance of getting flooding. I wonder if Noah built the ark after a great snow. Do you suppose there was ever snow in Mesopotamia? I doubt it since that is modern day Kuwait and Iraq. Maybe he was just bored and got lucky. It could just have been an attempt to make the first travelling zoo. Maybe he was a circus man?

I am going to end this now. I seem to be just babbling. In other words, it's blog as usual. I am so happy that tonight is my Friday morning. and early tomorrow morning is my Friday night. I think we are heading back down to the home of my Alma Mater in a couple of weeks. Maybe we should take the train and try to podcast on a train this time? The podcast we did in the car didn't come out as well as I had hoped but, no pod not glory. Have a great your Wednesday. Thanks a lot for stopping-in. Thank you, too for listening to the podcast.

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