Tuesday, February 4, 2014

How To Become a Great Actor (you're welcome)!

Ghandi, LaMotta, Milk, Liberace, Houdini (post-production) & Hitchcock
I always seem to need background noise. I need the radio on or the television boobing or my phone playing the podcast, music or Pandora... I wonder where that "need" comes from? It makes me really appreciate the silence because it is rare (by choice). I love quiet too but, I like it to be special. I searched the HBO channels and there is Michael Douglas playing Liberace, Anthony Hopkins playing Hitchcock and Kevin Durant playing himself. Someday I may be watching somebody playing Douglas and Hopkins. I doubt that it will be Durant playing either; he's not even that good at playing himself (if he does it too many times he may go blind). It seems, to be a great actor, you have to eventually portray a real person (some of those dudes up there have played more than one).

There is a conspiracy among the Axis Powers; they really are evil. Our Japanese vehicle (Toyota 4Runner) and our Italian car (Fiat 500C) both have headlights out. Each has one headlight out. The Toyota light was $8.00 and change. The Fiat headlight was $61.00 and change. This is the second one out on the 2012 Fiat; the last one was the passenger side and, this time it's the driver's side. I figured it would probably happen sooner or later but, both lights out within a couple of years? Also, the only place that carries the Fiat lights is NAPA (I literally checked everybody in town last time - wish I had started with NAPA). This time I went right to NAPA and the guy said the same thing he said last time - "we have just one at the warehouse and we can have it here after 2:30." So, I bought it and will go back to NAPA after 14:30. The one I bought for $8 looks exactly like the one that costs $60. In fact, the $8 one is bigger. That really doesn't make a difference but, it seems like more for less money. Smaller is better in things these days though isn't it? Technologically, I mean.

I cannot believe it's Thursday already. I have to keep writing what day it is in MY world because I cannot keep them straight. It comes from me changing my days off every so often. When I started my current job I had Tuesdays/Wednesdays off then I went to Sundays/Mondays off and now I have Thursdays/Fridays off. I think I will keep these days off for as long as I can unless Saturday/Sunday comes open. They are starting to move some of us to the day shift (Monday - Friday) but, it will be awhile before they add more of these positions and, right now, I am number five in seniority.

We're supposed to get more snow this afternoon/tonight. Like we haven't had enough of that in the MIDDLEwest this winter. Supposedly, we have had a little over 50" of snow so far this winter and, maybe about five more tonight. Better the snow than the 50 below zero windchills as far as I am concerned.

Cha Cha is feeling a little better today so. maybe we will record the podcast soon. Tomorrow maybe? Hey, Valentine's Day is coming up isn't it? What do you know? Valentine's Day is on a Friday (My Sunday). I should probably figure something out, huh? Being on a Friday it will probably be busy at restaurants and such. I may have to check into shows in the city too? Does anybody recommend any good plays? I have been wanting to try Copper's Hawk Winery and Restaurant and maybe that would be a good start? Reservation made - I like Thursdays and the number 13 better so, it is on St.Valentine's Day Eve! Not taking reservations on Valentine's Day or, other people thought ahead a bit more than I did.

I just got back from NAPA. Guess what? Their computer was wrong - they DO NOT have one "in the warehouse." The closest one is in Minneapolis. I cannot drive to Minneapolis, I only have one headlight. Some of that driving would be at night. There is also another snow storm coming. I could catch a Timberwolves or, a whatever the Northstars are called now, game. So, now it will be here Tuesday. What is today in real time? Hey, THIS is Tuesday! Maybe he meant Thursday because he did say it would be here in two days. I gave him my phone number and he said he'd call when it arrives. My money is on Tuesday.

I should wrap it up (egg roll pun intended). The chicken fried rice is ready and the egg rolls will be done in about ten minutes (pork, chicken and shrimp - it's good to have choices). You have a great night. If you're in the path of the incoming snow storm I hope you have your hatches battened-down. I appreciate you being here and letting me do whatever this is that I do here. I will blog tomorrow (my Friday). TTTT...MITM (offen sie - had to get somthing in for Germany since the other two WWII evils were represented). TA!

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