Friday, February 21, 2014

Blog to See the Wizard!

I am sitting in the front room of the house (not sure what this room is called) just waiting for Guffman the garbage man. The winds have been whipping all night long (did you just hear Lionel Richie's voice in your head too?) so, I didn't want to take the garbage can outside and litter the entire neighborhood. When I see the garbage removal technician across the street I will head to the garage and take the thing out to him and then return it to the garage upon it's emptying. I feel like Bieber's or Miley's body guard - baby-sitting trash.

I am so excited that we are going to get to play music of a group that Cha Cha and I have become fans on recently. I am not going to reveal the group now but, I am sure you will enjoy their music. It is most likely someone you have not heard of before. Those are the ones we like to bring to you. This is very difficult for me not to tell you who they are; remember, I am the guy who once unwrapped his Christmas gift and rewrapped it before Christmas so I knew what it was. This was a LONG time ago and I have grown a lot since then. One of this groups songs is currently the theme song for a television show that has recently changed my life. Seriously, this show has LITERALLY changed my life. If you listen to Dirty Laundry Podcast you are familiar with Forest Sun and Ingrid Serban and their great music and big hearts. These people remind us of them in many ways.

As long as I am blogging about Dirty Laundry Podcast... yesterday was a big day for our numbers. We usually get: 30-40 visits a day, 10-12 embeds a day, 12-15 plays a day and 18-30 downloads a day. For some reason the show is starting to take-off. It may be a temporary thing but, whatever it is I am excited about it. We got 146 downloads yesterday alone; that's up 132 from the previous day. Over the past week several other podcasts have requested to be friends with us. When I say several I am talking like 20. Were we featured someplace that I was not aware of? Whatever the reason for this spike I am excited. I'd like to know what we did so we could keep doing it. I guess we will just keep doing what we do. We are #76 in the comedy category now. That is the highest we have been since switching to Comedy. #76 in the world is pretty great. "76 That's The Spirit" I used to have a T-shirt that said that back in 1976. We reached #1 in Philosophy and then wanted to set the bar higher by switching to the much more popular and populated category. Maybe you all are telling your friends and it's the Faberge Organics method of marketing? Whatever it is - thank you for your support and help. Trying to be #1 in Comedy!

Garbage watch is done. I met the trash collector (Kanye West though he was Caucasian) out front and the trash thingy is safely in the garage. On the way back to the garage I picked up the garbage of my neighbors that had blown into our yard and I already have a nice start to next week's recycling trash collection. I know they all put up with my garbage from time to time too.

I have a meeting this afternoon (11:30 actually) and have to take the Fiat because I feel better having Fabio take the 4Runner to school (bigger, 4-wheel drive, safer, older, already has a lot of dings...). The 4Runner is the Steve Austin of vehicles. The Fiat is very fun to drive but I am worried that I might wind-up in the merry old land of Oz. Also, the convertible top is a bit noisy, even when closed, in the high winds. If I open the top today I guarantee I would get some good air.

I think I had better call it a wrap. It's already 10:00 and I have to get a few things done, get showered and head-off to my meeting. We will probably record the show today/tonight too. I will let you know when it is up because I am sure you are just peeing your pantaloons with anticipation of the new music. Thank you for stopping in and for making our podcast numbers what they are. I really appreciate you very much. Have a great day as I know I will (my only full day off). I am pretty sure I will blog again tomorrow. TTTT...MITM (off to see the wizard). TA!

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