Saturday, February 15, 2014

Mr. Wide Awake & Humping

It's 02:29 and I am wide awake; I would prefer to be wide asleep. I was pretty much a slug yesterday. I vacuumed out the Fiat and I learned one thing. If it is 18 degrees Fahrenheit and you are vacuuming a tiny car outside you should wear gloves. I am not sure about 19 degrees and a regular size car but, at 18 and below, I recommend gloves. I may try this with the 4Runner and report my findings. I should have vacuumed in the garage. My hands hurt for about an hour; I am such a delicate flower. After all of the terribly cold weather this winter I mistook 18 degrees for warm. Two A.M. isn't starting the day off too exciting is it? I will probably sleep again before the sun comes up. I have to be at work in twenty hours (actually 19 1/2 hours). In that time I have to get a podcast recorded. I guess I wore Cha Cha out with all of the Valentine's Day Eve festivities because after working all day she fell asleep on the couch. We are just a day ahead of everyone else though she worked all day Friday (she works seven days a week most weeks). I did go to the Post Office and the grocery store yesterday too. 100 years ago that stuff would have taken me all day but, now doing those three things makes me a slug.

My Monday morning is only hours away - that is depressing. Saturday night (Monday morning to me) isn't supposed to be depressing. I am scheduled to be on foot patrol tonight so, I hope it is warmer than 18 degrees. I will have gloves on though.

Why have boomerangs come up in my life twice from two entirely different areas in the past week? I don't think I have thought about or heard the word boomerang in about nine years (just guessing on the time). I have always liked the boomerang. I can throw one pretty well; at least I could have over nine years ago. Is the boomerang making an insurgence? Other than in the outback of Australia I don't find the reason behind a boomerang. I guess it is like the Australian Frisbee. Just the opposite really since the boomerang came a lot sooner and the Frisbee isn't quite as well-trained.

Where in the Hell is the remote? Maybe I should invent a television remote control boomerang?

It is 03:34 now and I am going to try to sleep for a couple of hours. It will seem like milliseconds to you though (unless I die in my sleep). If I do die in my sleep, however, you will never read this to know that I thought about you right before I died. It would be cool to have a devise to know what people's last thoughts were. I am going to work on inventing that. Can you imagine how many crimes that would solve? I bet there would be lots of reasons not to have something like that. Okay, I can tell that I am tired. ZZZZZZZ....

05:02 and still WIDE awake.

It is now 17:14 and I have to try to get back to sleep for a couple of hours before work. Between then and now I: recorded Dirty Laundry Podcast with Cha Cha (will try to get it up by Monday - that's what he said), we took Jeff to the new dog park in town at Katz Park (what kind of a joke is it to put a dog park in Katz Park?), we had lunch at Portillo's and got to see our buddy Greg for a few minutes (I had the chopped salad without the bacon) and then we went and bought the carpeting for Fabio's new room in the basement. In case you were wondering we did bring Jeff home before we did this stops after the dog park.

Jeff loved the dog park. He was the smallest dog there at about 50 pounds. He was also the fastest and horniest dog there. He humped all the other eleven dogs that were at the park at least once each. He was like a serial rapist. Everybody there knew his name because I kept yelling, "JEFF!" He has been fixed for several months; how long does it take for that male-dominance thing to wear-off?

It's 17:29 now so, I am going to try to get to sleep. Thanks a lot , as always, for hanging-out here for a few minutes. I will let you know when the new show is ready but, in the meantime, make sure you're caught up on the past 142 shows. Have a great rest of YOUR weekend as I start my week. I probably won't blog tomorrow because after I wake-up I will work on editing the show and maybe taking Hugh Ruffner back to the dog park. I need to get him a smoking jacket and a pipe. TTTMonday (most likely). MITM (out) TA!

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