Thursday, February 16, 2012

They definitely weren't undercover last night
Hey, it's Thursday. It's also February16th which is supposed to be about one of the coldest days of the year in the MIDDLEwest but it's going to be almost 50 degrees today. Still not convinced of Global Warming? I didn't even realize that I didn't blog yesterday until last night when I thought to myself, "hey self, did you blog today? Well, no other self I don't think I did blog today did you blog today? Do I have to blog everything around here?" It went on from there but it got really nasty and I am fairly certain that "self therapy" is just a MATTer of time.

Last night I went to Chicago with MADYM. It seemed kind of weird going out with another woman without Cha Cha there but this sanctioned by Cha Cha or it would not have occurred. We went to The Book Cellar in Chicago (Lincoln Square if that means anything to anybody) to hear some book readings but I was going more to meet Jeff Mudgett who is the author of a book called Bloodstains. He is going to be on the podcast next week and I thought it good to get to know him a bit. We had a great time (I did at least - I guess she can speak for herself this weekend when she, hopefully, will FINALLY be on the Dirty Laundry Podcast. She has been the most elusive guest in Dirty Laundry history. Hopefully I didn't just jinx it. MADYM is now one of our producers of the show. Last night she was knocking down potential guest after podcast guest. She was the Goose to my Maverick.... she set 'em up and I knoced em down! For you people in/from Chicago we talked to former producers for Jonathon Brandmeier and Garry Meier (Brandmeier and Meier were, and are again, radio personalities in Chicago). Brandmeier also had a national late night talk show that lasted about three weeks it seemed. We heard some funny stories and one of them agreed to be on the podcast. We also spoke to one of the "Assistant Organizers" of CGHG. I know I don't have to tell you that CGHG is Chicago Ghost Hunters Group but I will tell you anyway because that's what college taught me and what good is a journalism degree if you can't use it in your blog every now and again? Anyway, he sounded very excited to be on the podcast too. Just to think all of this started over a Uni-brow (Unibroue). Now you will have to listen to this upcoming podcast to find out what that means! It was a good night and I hope MADYM comes on the show this weekend but she is kinda pod-shy I think so we will decide - we may have to ply her with wine - I have honey if that help (inside joke unless she is on the podcast).
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This evolutionary update just in - - - -  chimpanzees are not monkeys - they are apes.

On the way to pick up MADYM I was listening to WSPY radio in the car. They played a sound byte of a movie and the first caller who called in won something. I didn't pay attention to what the prize was but I recognized the audio-clip as a scene from the film 48 Hours so I called the 800 number my car told me to call and it started ringing. I answered the question correctly and now I am getting a The Biggest Loser prize-pack sent to me. I have never watched that show but I guess I am getting a dvd and a t-shirt and a weekend get-away with Jillian Michaels (at least I know who she is)... I am not really sure what all is in the prize-pack but I may have to re-prize it on the podcast. I think re-prizeing is a whole new thing I may start (not to be confused with reprise). Do you think the prize-gods know that I won some Girl Scout Cookies on a radio (WDKB) trivia thing about a month ago and now I needed to work my cookies off? Damn you radio-gods....damn you all to hell!!!

I am trying to read my blog notebook and it is very confusing. I have like three notebooks I usually carry (I don't have a pocket protector though). I have one that I write "blog notes" in. I have one that I write "podcasting notes" in and I have another that I am not really sure what I use it for but it is just the stuff I need to remember but now that I am MIDDLE-aged I need a prompter and the notebook has to suffice. I guess it's on ready alert stand-by or something. If the podcast or the blog ever take-off and we have money I think I may need to get a life-assistant (like a production assistant only for life). We now have three producers for Dirty Laundry (Jay Cole, The Lost Sock and MADYM - in addition to Greg Weindorf who is our DLP Media Critic) so maybe it is time for a Pod-Duction Assistant (PDA)? We have quite a staff for "a pod about nothing." Do you like how I didn't make any staff jokes - I guess by me pointing out that I didn't make a joke I am kinda making a joke though - never mind.

Tomorrow is my job interview. It's within the same "company" that I work for now but it means more money and some of the other things that go with moving up. By the by just because I put "company" in quotation marks does not mean I work for the CIA. I am excited and nervous. I am always nervous for stuff like that - I think being nervous is a good thing so I try to stay nervous and paranoid as much as possible in everyday life. If anybody else has an interview coming up (and you know who you are) good luck to you tomorrow too! If you're not the one I am specifically blogging about you're thinking - "how in the Helser does he know I have an interview tomorrow?" THE GREAT AND POWERFUL BLOG KNOWS ALL!!!!!

Okay I have to get some stuff done and get some sleep. I got in very late last night and then did a few things so I stayed up way too long and I am sleepy and don't have to work for several hours. Have a great day. I am really happy you stopped in, as always. If you're in the MIDDLEwest enjoy MIDDLEwestern Global Warming Day. TTTT after my interview....MITM (out to scout my route of doubt). TA!

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