Tuesday, February 14, 2012

R-A-M-B-L-I-N'.... RAMBLIN'!

Happy Valentine's Day - what kind of a phogna bologna day is Valentine's Day? I am heading over to Cha Cha's work later this morning to take her to Bien Trucha for lunch....nicely played fake holiday, nicely played. I will have been up for about 24 straight when lunch is over because Fabio's game last night went into double overtime so I got home pretty much just in time to go to work.

I remember when I was in college and I first heard Whitney Houston and saw her first video on MTV (back when the "M" still stood for "Music" and not "Miscellaneous Crap"). I was instantly a fan of hers mainly because I thought she was smokin' hot because that's how I decided what videos were good back in the infancy of videos. I know she had her problems in recent years but I think she was a decent person. I am sorry that she is dead but I have to say that I am getting tired of hearing the song "I Will Always Love You." I bet the movie The Bodyguard is on this coming weekend if it hasn't already been on. Her dying and hearing that her greatest hits album is now selling like hotcakes, just like Amy Winehouses' music did right after she died, is kind of sad. Maybe, in Whitney's case, if she were a little more appreciated while she was alive she wouldn't have had such a tumultuous latter part of her life. Support the artists you like by purchasing their work if you can because, just like in the podcasting and blogging fields, these people just long for your love and approval.

The new Dirty Laundry Podcast is up and ready for your approval. we've already gotten a lot of new listeners since the podcast was uploaded yesterday. I am always happy when people find their way over. I hope it was good enough that they will come back for more.

The Grammy Awards were on the other night. I heard Bruno Mars was fantastic and I was happy to hear that Adele won six Grammy's - all of the ones she was nominated for. Even though she had been getting fairly decent air play I notice that since The Grammy's I cannot turn the radio on without hearing one of her songs. I hope they don't over-play her music so we get sick of it because I think she is an incredible talent.
PennyWise,  Guyliner Foolish

My eyelids are very heavy. That sure is a weird expression. I would say it is more like they are sticking together than they are heavy because how can your eyelids really get heavy? Maybe if I put too much eye shadow and eyeliner and fake lashes and junk on them to go see The Rocky Horror Picture Show or something they would get heavy but I am sans guyliner. Must not close eyes....phony baloney holiday to observe. Maybe my eyelids need to get on a weight-loss program. Weight Watchers for Eyes!

Remember how just a week ago or so those Super Bowl commercials were cool? I saw one of the ones yesterday that I liked during the game and I found that they are not quite as good as they are during the Super Bowl. I guess they are pretty clever to get us to watch them during that game because not may people DVR the Super Bowl I bet; you kinda like to watch it live because sporting events don't seem to be as exciting after the fact. I have recorded games many time, even ones I was at so I could watch them when I got home, and I seldom, if ever, watch them.

I think I need to stop blogging because I am rambling but I am afraid that if I do and I sit down I will fall asleep and then I will miss Valentine's Lunch with Cha Cha (soon to be at your local Red Box). For the remainder of the program please turn your hymnals to the Dirty Laundry Podcast and get yourself a little religion...with a Cha Cha and Agitator twist, of course. Tomorrow night I am going to Chi-Town, some people call it Chicago I call it Chi-Town, with one of my gal pals to visit with our podcast guest coming up in two weeks (week of the 26th). Do big whoop - just Jack The Ripper's Great Great Grandson. If that won't get you to listen to the podcast (in two weeks) nothing ever will. He has proof that his Great Great Grandfather, who was definitely America's first serial killer, was also Jack the Ripper and we will talk to him about that for you (and for my nosy self, of course). I am continuing to ramble so I can stay awake. I will let you go and take my chances but if I am not at Bien Trucha for lunch start without me. Thank you for helping me make it to my goal of making my lunch date - I really appreciate you, as always. TTTT...MITM (out like a light that isn't out until this afternoon). TA!

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