Thursday, February 2, 2012

Ask Yourself - WWLLSCD?

Hit it Roz
I don't know what happened with the groundhog this morning because I didn't get up in time to see my own blog shadow. When I got home from work this morning the news was showing a bunch of goofballs in their top hats at Gobbler's Knob (I am not going to make a joke here though I have about 69 of them running through my mind) or whatever the place where the groundhog tells us if it's six more weeks until Spring or we have six more weeks of winter in Punxsutawney. Same as last year I will predict that Spring will begin March 20th this year...I have never been wrong once! I actually got five hours of sleep in a row but now I have a tremendous headache. 

I read last night that Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago has a problem with one of the Super Bowl ads that will be played Sunday. I am not sure if this is the current ad but every indication that I have ascertained (doesn't that sound like I am smart?) leads me to believe this is the newest one. The one last year was hilarious too. As Cha Cha will tell you I think monkeys (especially chimpanzees) dressed in clothes and "talking" is about the funniest thing in the world to me. I am not sure why and I realize it is probably infantile for me to think that but it always cracks me up. I don't imagine that there is abuse to the apes while they are making these commercials and it's probably like a cool field trip for them. Don't they aspire to evolve into us anyway? This is actually letting them live the dream for a little bit. It's no different than when I was a kid playing Cowboys and Native Americans. Lancelot Link is my role model and I think I am doing his memory proud. Last year USA Today said they were the #6 Super Bowl ad and I just watched that one again right now and I am laughing so hard I have tears in my eyes. Lincoln Park Zoo has been trying to stop these ads since 2005 because they believe "it harms conservation and makes people believe that chimps can be pets." I am pretty sure none of us think that but if I had one as a pet I would call him my partner and not a pet and he would surely be my chauffeur in the Fiat (he would love the sun roof). Check out those two Lancelot Links if you want to see how juvenile my mind is though you probably need no further evidence.
MITM staff member reviewing the candidates

While I am talking newspapers, sort of (USA Today), I hear that a lot of newspapers are no longer endorsing political candidates this year. The two I know for sure that are not are The Chicago Sun Times and the Northern Illinois University Northern Star. It has been a stupid idea since maybe 1940 for newspapers to do this because newspapers don't carry the clout that they once did and it just alienated half of the readers anyway - if they picked Democrat they alienated the Republicans and vise versa. I sure hope we can make up our own minds on that matter. I wonder if Fox News will endorse a candidate and if so who it will be. I guess that depends on who is running for the GOP speaking of chimpanzees in suits this year. We at MITM are still working on our Presidential endorsement.

Considering it is just about time for you to start doing your afternoon/evening rituals I will wrap this up. Maybe I will be able write this earlier tomorrow. Do you believe I made it all the way through the blog without one mention of the Dirty Laundry Podcast and how I "linked" it and told you to listen to it?  Maybe the DLP should endorse a candidate too but I imagine we pretty much already have by the sound of the last couple of shows. As the election gets closer maybe Cha Cha can discuss the election with someone from the other side and I can Agitate moderate.

Have a great night and thank you, as always, for letting me spew my blog poison. For tonight and tomorrow when things get rough just think to yourself WWLLSCD (what would Lancelot Link Secret Chimp do) - it gets me through tough times all the time - not really but it will now. TTTT...MITM (hankerin' for a banana) TA!

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