Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Short and Semi-Sweet

Fat Tuesday / Matt Tuesday - almost the same thing again
Happy Matt Tuesday!!!! I am glad I blogged Saturday because I didn't feel so bad that I didn't blog yesterday. I was beat and it was President's Day - I am not really sure what President's Day has to do with anything but it WAS President's Day.

Remember last week I talked about how I think most celebrities are left-handed? Last night, because the news always copies me, I heard a report that 50% of the U.S. Presidents since 1929 have been left-handed. I guess that isn't MOST but I think that is fairly significant. Now that I type it out it is actually about where it should be - 50%!

I just made some oatmeal and put some blueberries and walnuts in it and it tastes like wallpaper paste. Firstly, yes I do know what wallpaper paste tastes like and secondly, I don't know why I don't just go and add more hot water to it!

The new Dirty Laundry Podcast is up. Someone has mentioned that this is the best podcast that they have heard. We have a lot of great shows coming up...next week we have Jack The Ripper's Great Great Grandson on the show. Yes, he is REALLY Jack The Ripper's Great Great Grandson. in about three weeks we are going to have a real-life independent film-maker on the show. I am talking about a film-maker who has actual films out and at least two  on Netflix that i know of - not some dude making home movies. I am also working on the Chicago Ghost Hunters Group...they will definitely be on but I am not working really hard on that one yet. This podcast snowball is starting to build up speed and girth - it's really exciting! And many of you have been there since the beginning and we thank you for that.
Sean Timberlake Parker

I believe I heard that Justin Timberlake just bought MySpace and he is turning it into a music streaming service. That's cool because maybe that will be another place besides Podomatic and iTunes to host the podcast, The reason I really thought it was cool, and try to stay with my odd sense of what is cool, is that Justin Timberlake played Sean Parker in The Social Network. Sean Parker was the dude behind Napster which was a music streaming service but that isn't the cool part. Sean Parker owns Spotify which is also a music streaming service so it's kind of like Parker (Timberlake) is competing with Parker (Parker). Maybe cool was too strong of a word; how about odd? funny? interesting? ironic?

Now that it's getting cold my wallpaper paste is starting to resemble more like wet concrete - yum!

I saw a commercial yesterday for a product called Go Joe. It is just about the most ridiculous thing I have ever see. It is a kind of a strap that you suction cup your cell phone to so you can go hands-free. You could just as easily use a Olivia Newton John Let's Get Physical headband and save the money. They say that they are only $10 but then they say +S&H (I assume that's shipping and handling and not Green Stamps). I bet S&H is more that the cost you are paying for the Go Joe.

I have run out of gas so I am going to have to try to get fueled up for tomorrow's blog. Thanks for stopping on in here today - I surely do appreciate it. I hope you listen to the podcast too, Have a great day . TTTT....MITM (out)

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