Wednesday, February 22, 2012

How About Fish with Retsyn?

Quit staring at me already - I'll have a carrot instead
Boy, I sure am sluggish today. This whole Mardi Gras thing is wearing me out already.

I was being Matt About Town yesterday and I drove by White Castle and craved fish. I drove by Burger King and craved fish. I drove by Wendy's and I craved fish. I drove by McDonald's and craved double fish. What in the Helser was going on yesterday and me craving fish? Proud of myself I did not stop any any of these culinary concentration camps (patent/trademark/copyright) because I am convinced that I can lose the 25 pounds I have recently put back on. I soon realized that I had The Catholic Church and whichever other religions still "outlaw" meat this time of year. Maybe it wasn't that big of a deal back when religions were beginning and really the main staples were grains, fruits, vegetables and fish. I don't think they really ate much meat, in comparison to today, anyway did they? Ironically, when I drove by Long John Silver's I did not crave fish. Maybe their stupid advertising is subliminally working on me and it wouldn't at LJS because they always advertise fish. I love fish but don't really need it deep fried right now.Now we're going to have to watch and listen to all of those stupid fish commercials through lent.

For some reason the other day an old commercial got stuck in my head. Maybe it's withdrawal because I very seldom watch commercials anymore but for some reason I feel compelled to include them on Dirty Laundry Podcast - what a hypocrite I am. Anyway, and I have no idea what made me think of it, I started thinking about the old Certs commercials. Do they even make Certs anymore? It was not really Certs I was thinking of so much rather it was Retsyn. Firstly, what the hell is/was Retsyn and secondly if I don't have any Certs how an I getting my recommended daily allowance (RDA) of Retsyn? I am fairly certain that I am Retsyn deficient. That explains a lot.
I am totally jonsein' for retsyn

I look forward to recording the podcast every week but I am particularly excited to record this week's show. Maybe I should be alarmed to spend time with Jack The Ripper's Great Great Grandson given how much we attribute to genetics these days but we all have to die of something. Someone could slip right into The Agitator spot and nobody would ever be the wiser. For those who want to be a guest on the podcast you had better speak-up soon because we have quite a few people who are coming up: a big-time filmmaker, some more ghost hunters, a few more authors....and you?

If I do come up mysteriously missing I hope one of you Columbo's will get to the bottom of it for me. Maybe a student from UCLA could solve the mystery - specifically one of the recipients of the Shera and Peter Falk Lt. Columbo Memorial Scholarship. Peter Falk's estate just donated $3 Million to The University of California so start this scholarship. I think that's pretty cool. It will first be awarded to five students entering UCLA in 2012 and will focus on aiding undergraduates studying: music, those with disabilities and military veterans.
Which way is the student center?

I have not yet heard back on the job I interviewed for Friday. Remember the old days when we applied for jobs and then interviewed and then waited months and months to hear anything? Now, with the way everything is so immediate: the internet. iPods, laptops, on-demand television..., I cannot even wait three business days without worrying I didn't get the job. I have come to expect to know everything right now. I am not sure if that is a bad thing or a good thing. I will be disappointed if I don't get the job but it won't be as bad as last time if I hadn't gotten hired as this time I have a job. I know several people out there who are still without jobs and I totally sympathize - be will happen for you soon.

I hope it didn't inconvenience you that I blogged so late today but I the Retsyn-imbalance has got me thrown-off a bit. I cannot promise I will blog earlier tomorrow but I will try. Thank you for stopping in here no MATTer what time I blog - I really need to do this regularly for my constitution and I wouldn't do it without you being here - you complete me! Have a great Hump Night (TWSS)! TTTT...MITM (fighting the urge of getting a deep-fried fish sandwich). TA!

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